No way!
No matter how SOFT it is!
As a 6yo, my Mother put me in a pair of Wool slacks, & I screamed 'blue murder'.
It wasn't until I took them off, & she saw the raw, red welts I'd on me from waist to ankle she realised I'd a problem!
My Winter School long-sleeved Serge Uniform had to worn with long-sleeved cotton Spencer, & petticoat, to survive!
My superbly tailored Australian Army Winter Uniform, had to be fully lined, to prevent any breakout of redness!
I wore a woollen 'turtle neck' jumper once, which my Aunt had kindly given me as a present, with l/s spencer underneath, & scarf around my neck.
At class break, lady sitting next to me asked if I was ok, as my neck was red-raw, as scarf had slipped!
I also can't wear lace next to my skin. Both my Sister, & I have these problems!
I love our beautiful Aussie Wool, but it doesn't love me!