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Can you wear wool next to your skin, or does it itch?

by Finy (follow)
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Can you wear wool next to your skin, or does it itch?

#Wear wool
#Wool jumper
#Itchy wool
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I have never been able to wear wool next to my skin and the thought of it even makes my hairs stand on end!

Even the new ones which are very soft, annoy me intensely.

I spin my own llama wool and this is not as bad, but having knitted many beautiful scarves, I do not often wear them as even THEY slightly aggravate me on my neck.

I find it odd that some people cannot wear wool yet others, it does not affect at all! I wonder what makes it so?
by Finy
I am unable to wear wool directly on my sin and have been this way all of my life. My parents even had to get rid of al the woollen blankets due to my allergies as a small child and teenager! In my 20's,I did spin my own natural fleeces which I loved to do.This did not seem to irritate my skin,and I believe it was due to all the natural lanolin still in the wool.
I do not have an allergy to wool, so I don't have any trouble wearing woollen items( not that I possess any knitted things anymore). Wool feels lovely and soft and natural against my skin.
I am not really a wearer of wool but it caused my son some itching when he was a baby.
No wool must touch my Skin!! Yikes, I have these little red spots later...ouch. :(
No way!
No matter how SOFT it is!

As a 6yo, my Mother put me in a pair of Wool slacks, & I screamed 'blue murder'.

It wasn't until I took them off, & she saw the raw, red welts I'd on me from waist to ankle she realised I'd a problem!

My Winter School long-sleeved Serge Uniform had to worn with long-sleeved cotton Spencer, & petticoat, to survive!

My superbly tailored Australian Army Winter Uniform, had to be fully lined, to prevent any breakout of redness!

I wore a woollen 'turtle neck' jumper once, which my Aunt had kindly given me as a present, with l/s spencer underneath, & scarf around my neck.
At class break, lady sitting next to me asked if I was ok, as my neck was red-raw, as scarf had slipped!

I also can't wear lace next to my skin. Both my Sister, & I have these problems!

I love our beautiful Aussie Wool, but it doesn't love me!
I don't think I have worn wool since I was a child so I can't remember enough to decide. Going by all of your answers . . . I am not tempted to try! ^_^
by Rice
I can't wear sheep wool. I must be allergic because I get a rash. Even beautiful soft mohair will cause my nose to itch and run and cause a rash on my décolletage.
I have crocheted with wool without too much irritation.
annfi, I simply can't use lanolin - it chokes me, so I don't use lipstick as most have it. I wonder if that would mean wool would disagree with me too. I might throw on a woollen scarf just for kicks . . . or rashes :-) LOL
by Rice
I can use lanolin, so maybe you could try wool. Maybe something like wool sox for starters?
by annfi
Ah, socks, that's a better idea . . . I should soon know, I would think :-)
by Rice
Yes i can wear wool on my skin
by AJ
as a child i wore wool and silk singlets even in summer
I hate wood. It makes me too hot and itchy. I prefer layering my clothes.

The only wool I wear would be a jacket.
As a child, we were made to wear these terrible woolen jumpers that made us itch. Never again!
by Vee
I don't need to wear a wooden jumper next to my skin, so I don't know f I'd like it or not Even when visiting Melbourne during winter, I wear a lovely soft merino black spencer under my cotton floral
dresses.These can be worn as a top garment or
an underneath 1.The marino leggings are ok next to my skin. I wear a cotton tank top under a jumper, when I'm staying in the house in
Melbourne, so part of the jumper is still touching my arms & that seems to be ok.
by Miro
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