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Can you wear high heels?

by annlu (follow)
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(own photo - annlu)

Some people wear heels to look elegant, feel taller, or to have a certain style. Others don't feel comfortable in heels and always wear flats as a rule. Can you wear high heels?

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They look great, but I don't find them comfortable and they're definitely not healthy for the feet or legs. I prefer to find other ways to dress up.
I don't even remember the last time I wore heals. I do wear high heal boots from time to time, but stilettos are not high on my list of priorities. I wouldn't have anywhere to wear them too.
Not very well. I have managed to find one pair that feel comfortable enough for me to want to wear out, so they're my special shoes for special occasions where a flat shoe just wouldn't cut it. The rest of the time, I'm in flatties, running shoes or boots.
I don't wear high heels for three reasons - one they're girly, and I don't do girly; two, they're uncomfortable; three they're impractical - tried running for a bus with them? I could probably wear them for a a short while, but then I'd struggle.
Oh that is a great question. I could write a whole article on wearing heels. I LOVE heels. I have worn them in my hay day like no tomorrow. However, I just can't wait them any more. It is the most unfortunate part of my life right now that even though I love them, I can't wear them. My feet hurt really bad when i wear them.
Used to when I was young but unfortunately all my grandmother's warnings about high heels have proven right and I just can't wear heels anymore because my back really hurts. I can hear her saying,"I told you so!"
I don't wear high heels. Well, not often.
I prefer to wear flats, but I do like to wear heels when I get 'all dressed up'.
by Vee
Not any more I can't.

I used to wear them when I was young (seems to be a lot of my answers) but they are really bad for your back.
by Finy
How gorgeous you look in yours though!!
by Finy
Sleepless in Seattle? Just call me "Hopeless in Heels".
by Rice
Yes, but not for long periods of time.
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