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Can you watch horror movies alone at night?

by Radhika (follow)
Radhika Ram
Movies (53)      Horror (5)     

Do you like horror movies? Can you watch such movies alone at night? Or are you afraid of them and would prefer to avoid them?

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Some of the most interesting experiences I have had as a single mother was watching horror/thriller movies at night by myself. You would think I would have learnt my lesson after the first time of being so scared I actually packed the kids up and went to my dad's place for the night! But no, I kept watching them (especially the ones with eye candy in them)!
Nopes.. I would rather watch a comedy movie, when alone.

I don't have the courage to watch it even in the company of others..!!

I don't like to watch horror movies; I prefer thrillers. Even then, I avoid them when I am alone.
by Vee
I don't tend to scare easily when it comes to horror films. Suspense horror films can make me jump, but they don't give me nightmares. I can easily watch them alone at night, but it isn't particularly a genre I go for.
I have no problem watching them
But 'horror' to me is more for young people.
I find no value in 'horror' what so ever.Never have.
I really am a thriller-lover.

Yes I can now that I am older. My theory is I am able to do this now because I know that what people can do to each other in everyday life is far scarier than a creative piece of cinema.
I watched Paranormal Activity by myself at 1am, so that was an experience! haha I love horror/thriller movies, but they are much more enjoyable with other people!
Oh yes ! I love curling inside a blanket and watch them.
I used to. But lately I get nightmares if I do. So I don't watch horror
No, I've never been a fan of horror. If I wanted to feel like that I'd just watch the news! Much prefer a good comedy.
I don't like horror movies at all, so wouldn't watch one on my own or even with friends.
I like horror movies, and I would have no issues watching one alone.
by Rice
I don't really watch a lot of horror movies. I prefer thrillers, which aren't as scary. I did watch a lot of Stephen King movies as a young teen and enjoyed them. It wouldn't bother me if I was alone or not.
I prefer 2 avoid them
I watched both the Amityville Horror and The Exorcist on my own (years ago). They were the only two I watched on my own, ever. And, it cured my lust for doing that sort of thing ever again. The Amityville Horror was dreadful, because if you saw that movie and remember, that you don't actually SEE anything at all.
Oh God.. I did once. It was possibly the most stupid idea, but my phone rang loudly right after a scary part and I jumped a mile! Pretty funny if I'm honest!
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