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Can you touch type?

by chipp (follow)
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touch type

Some of us can type without looking at the keys. Can you touch type? How did you learn?

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Yes I can. I was taught on an old type writer at school. It was the best skill I ever learnt!
No, but I can type quite fast. I just have to keep my eye on the keyboard.
No, but I have tried those touch typing games with very little success. I think I should put that on this year's goal! ;)
Yes. It's probably the most useful thing I learned in high school.
Yes. I am so glad I learnt it in high school!
I wish!...lol

Never did understand how people do it.
I type fast, but just not that talented.
Yes. I learned when I was nine. Had a program on my computer and it was fun and easy. Nowadays I type much faster than I could write.
Yes. I learn't with Typequick via a scholarship in year 12 to learn at a private collage 2 hours a week, one night a week in the evenings.
Yes I can. I learnt when I was in a secretarial college in my late teens.
yes. We got rapped over the knuckles with a ruler if we peeked a look. Ah they were the good old days :-)
Yes. I think touch typing should be taught once children have mastered writing correctly, since so many will use computers more than a pen and paper.

I learned on software while I was training as a computer programmer. Don't recall the software now but here is a great FREE website that will teach you.

Touch typing is well worth the perserverance.
yes, learnt at school, along with shorthand!! my last touch typing test speed was 90 words per minute with 95% accuracy. must sat, I would not like to go back to those clunky old type writers ..Glenys

Yes I can, learnt at Business college in 1964, can't type quite as quickly as I used to but still not too bad. One of the best things I learnt, along with shorthand. Yes I am over 60
I'm just old enough that we learned to touch type on an actually typewriter at High School. I then attended business school where we also had to learn to touch type very fast. I worked in clerical and having a good typing speed used to a key factor in getting a job. I have been touch typing for over 30 years now.
Yes, I learnt to touch type in high school in 1957-58. Since purchasing my first computer in 2000, my typing speed has picked up and is every bit as fast as it was back then.
No, but I should learn as I spend so much time online.
Learnt at School for Grades IX & X, on a 'Royal' Manual Typewriter. It was #28 in the Typing Room, & I used it for the two years'.

Yes, can touch type, & when Electric Typewriters' came into being, then Computer Keyboards', I was a very fast touch-typiste!

My daughter had not seen me type before, but when she did, commented how fast I was! I used a computer at work from Jan'74 to Jun'13.
Yes - was taught at high school many years ago. Even got a certificate for 100 wpm on a manual typewriter. Stood me in very good stead, along with shorthand, in the job market throughout my career.
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