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Can you tolerate eating raw chillis?

by Finy (follow)
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Can you tolerate eating raw chillis?

#Hot chilis
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There is one sort that is not so hot -think it might be the green ones? I can eat those if I take out the seeds.

I believe it is the seeds that are really hot.
The red ones however, I could not eat raw though sometimes when the seeds are out, and in cooking, they become almost tasteless.

But raw, NO -it always amazes me to see people putting them raw in their mouth and not flinching.
by Finy
A word of warning: Green chilli can most definitely be just as hot LOL

It's size that makes a different, not colour. The smaller it is the hotter it is. Big long banana chilli are kind of like a peppery capsicum - not worth eating if you ask me - but tiny bullet chilli will take the top off your head.
by meggf
I suppose I could but I don't want to. I did eat one of the Bird's Eye chillis off the bush in our yard raw to see how hot they were. It was okay but I won't do it again, I prefer them cooked. My two year old ate one of them and was clawing at his mouth and sobbing, poor little guy. Still, it's probably good that he learns not to just pick things and eat them unsupervised.
Sometimes, the green ones. Tastes even better when dipped in jar with lemon juice and ginger.
by Rory
I love spicy food ! I can eat raw chili but I try not to do that. My mom makes these chillies in various forms (still raw). They go really well with ginger slices, vinegar, lime juice. They can be stuffed and stir fried for few minutes. Yum !
by BK
These are not my favourite food at all!!! I don't mind if they are an ingredient in a complete dish,but that is about it!!
No way!!!

to hot....way too hot!
No - I'm not very good with food that is too spicy
by AJ
I love raw chilli - even if I sweat like an ape and need tonnes of milk afterwards.
by Vee
You go girl!! lol :)
by jonaja
Not whole, no, but in slices in salads or on pork rolls yes :D I love fresh chilli!
I love chilli hot food, however no I can't eat them by themselves
by fran
Hot and spicy foods are not on my lists of favourites so no, I would not even try to eat a raw chilli. Pretty sure my husband would give it a go, though.
No pure raw ones, no. I used to eat pickled chilli and chilli sauce in Singapore but simply chomping on a chilli straight from the bush? No. I can't think why anyone would want to!
No, don't see the point of eating this burning sensation! A small amount in some food is okay however I am very over the fact there is so much chilli in so many grocery items these days! What a way to spoil the flavour of food...
I don't go out of my way to have them, but once when I was visiting India I decided to try some as all the local were doing so. One or two were tolerable, but after that it was a bit too much...my eyes and nose started to run, so I knew I'd had enough.
I'm a chilli addict. Everything I eat has to have mouth burning chilli on it in some shape or form.

Hot and spicy food not my favourite food ever acttualy i hate this kind of ingredients ....
no I cannot eat them raw, in some food dishes they are ok.
But a do like a drop or two of Tabasco Sauce in various dishes that I cook.
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