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Can you tell when someone is lying, and what gives them away?

by Finy (follow)
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Lies (11)      Body language (1)      Tell a lie (1)      Judge person (1)     

Photo: En.wikipedia.org

Can you tell when a person is lying?

How -does their body language change?

#Body language
#Tell a lie
#Judge person
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Sometimes I can tell by their eyes and the way their hands fidget.

It all depends on the person -I have met a few who canlie to my face and not bat an eyelid.

I believe there ARE certain body languages that you do if you are lying.

Often the person looks a bit uncomfortable when lying however I have yet to see someone's nose growing as they lie!
by Finy
What do you mean that that was a lie about the nose.
I suppose that next you will be saying that their pants are not on fire.
by kstew
I can most of the time....but people are getting more smarter, at lying!

I now get a gut reaction, and I watch to eyes, and body movements.
It's not an easy one to spot, because it now can be done very well.

Pity their nose stays the same size, isn't it....that alone would make life so much better.
Then it go's back to normal size over a few hours.That would be brilliant.
Jonaj -can u just imagine it -there would be all these really long noses around -LOL
by Finy
Not for too loooooooooog! they would soon stop lying I bet :)
by jonaja
I think the biggest indicator is they tend to touch their face in some way and often look to the side. Also they speak too quickly and story is spot on which is too perfect!!
by Fran
Their eyes. when they look to the left they are recalling when they look to the right they are creating. Liars are exceptionally easy to pick
It depends on the lie and on the person. I can tell sometimes - but I wouldn't say I can always tell if someone is lying. Most of the time I take people on their word I'll only get suspicious if the story just doesn't make sense or if they get defensive.
by AJ
I agree with Alex, depends on the lie, depends on the person. To some, lying is a day to day thing. They are hard to outright catch because they do it so often, it's a matter of course. These kinds of people do eventually get caught though, you can only lie so long before everyone starts to know you as a liar. Other people are easy, it's like they are bad poker players, the tells are everywhere.
I'm always suspicious of people who can't look you in the eye when they speak to you. If they play with their ears or jewellery I also think twice about what I'm being told.
My late brother-in-law's nostrils used to expand if he jokingly told me a 'porkie-pie'.....
The way in which lier's eyes are directed as well.
Eyes, the truth is in the eyes.
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