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Can you tell the difference between Thai, Chinese, and Malaysian cooking?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Can you tell the difference between Thai, Malaysian and Chinese food (apart from when you go to a Thai restaurant etc!)?

#Thai food
#Malaysian food
#Chinese food
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I am fairly hopeless at this apart from knowing some of the names on a menu are from a particular country.

However if I had the mixed dishes placed in front of me, there would be very few I could distinguish between.

Perhaps Chinese would be the easiest as that has been around in Australia longer than the others.

When I was growing up, that was the only one available.
by Finy
I think I can do that. Thai food uses coconut milk for curries, so if something like that comes up, I can recognize. Well, I love all three cuisines and try making them at home as well. These days, I am trying a lot quick chinese recipes, so it helps. I might eventually get to a point where I can differentiate ( I hope so ! ).
by BK
Yes, have eaten enough of it in their 'native' countries' to tell the diff!
Still enjoy all types. Just love eating each country's own specialty dishes. Part & parcel of the ability to travel, isn't it?
Absolutely agree. I am still learning the diff' as there are hundreds of dishes between the 3 countries.
Yes I certainly can.

Quite different in ingredients.
How it is cooked, and put together.
In fact very different..the pic I have left
is Thai food, looks nothing like Chinese food!

Sometimes. I know Thai Green curry is Thai, lol, and traditional Chinese food contains a lot of chilli.
by Vee
Not really,though a few dishes I am able to work out by the flavours. I am allergic to many things so I only eat certain dishes from any menu whether asian or western.It is not that important to me where it originates from,but rather what is in it!!!
Well I know Chinese and thai but not sure I could tell that Malaysian was different
by fran
I can usually tell the difference between Thai and Chinese food (though there are so many different foods in China that there are lots of cases where I wouldn't have a clue if it's not the standard Australian Chinese restaurant fare). I'm not that familiar with Malasian.
Yes, I can! I used to live in Singapore and travelled fairly extensively around the area, so have a good idea of the different cuisines available. I might not be able to do so accurately any more but I could tell the difference between different kinds of Chinese cooking too - Cantonese, Sichuan, Hainanese etc.... and I can tell Vietnamese and Indonesian food too. Also North from Southern Indian.
MMMMMmmmmmmm I'm hungry now :)
No, because I don't eat any of those.
I can tell the difference between Thai and Chinese - but I wouldn't know what's traditional in Malaysia
by AJ
Absolutely ...only sometimes. I am still learning the diff' as there are hundreds of dishes between the 3 countries.
But my wife, Asian and a budding chef, (the cheat) can tell soooo many just by plating, aroma and or just taste.
I can tell a car at 1000 paces, she can tell food, it's a gift.
Comparing Asian dishes made in Australia over last 40 years, it is getting closer to the real deal in looks and flavour, but we still do not have genuine full flavoured Chinese or the like everywhere here except in select lucky places, as most Aussies especially 40 yrs ago would not eat real Asian or Chinese food.
It is getting so much better today thank fully.
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