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Can you still wear short shorts, or do you now wear long pants instead?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: Simple.wikipedia.org

Do you still wear short shorts or have you graduated to either longer shorts or long pants only?

#Short shorts
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No, I no longer can wear shorts anywhere near as short as this picture!

Unfortunately "things" drop as you get older or gravity sets in and it would not be a pretty sight!

I wear long shorts and prefer them to cover my knees which are also not so attractive any more.

I find jeans/long pants are too hot in our summer climate.
by Finy
No and I wouldn't want to!
by Vee
You are modest?
by Finy
I try to be. :P
by Vee
Unless I'm offering a peek, I don't want people looking.
by Vee
I stopped wearing shorts at 13.
Now I just wear long pants (Black) is a great colour,for me.
Very handy, and easy to wear.
I wear both crop long pants and longish shorts!!!
I find it funny, I went the opposite way. I grew up hating shorts, you couldn't pay me to wear them. I was too embarrassed as a kid. I used to get teased for having 'knock-knees'. Now I don't care, and no one else seems to either. Mind you, I'm not wearing tiny shorts like in the picture, being a guy, that would be a tad weird, but going from only pants to almost always in shorts, is a huge change.
I never liked short shorts. I used to prefer longish ones. The trouble is I have short legs so three quarter pants come almost to my ankles.
No, not now, I wear long shorts...actually for my age am told my legs aren't too bad, no veins and quite muscular! However up the top between the legs (bit personal) they are getting wobbly and it annoys me...ha ha
by Fran
I'm a dude so I wear the types of shorts that you would see on a soccer field. However, I only wear these at home. Pants all the way.
Cool dude. LOL.
by Vee
My short shorts are perhaps 2 inches longer than the shorts in the picture. They're French knitted ballet shorts, I mostly wear them around the house and as a cover up when I go to ballet classes or running. Yes, I have cellulite but I'm comfortable in my own body and mind.
I always wear 'Bermuda' shorts, 'Capri' or 'Matador' pants, & slacks, with accompanying, co-ordinated tops of some description.

Very comfy, relaxing & suitable for my status as an 'old chook'!
I've got 'no bum' & a really good 'set o' pegs'!
I walk at 'warp speed', so need my comfort in my shoes, as well! Cheers!
short shorts are for husband hunting aren't they?
I certainly don't have the legs for shorts! I was only wearing shorts, for my morning walks, up to the age of about 55. Now I'd much rather wear 3/4 leant pants. Even on cruises I won't wear shorts. I'd rather wear loose pants, w/nice blouses. I'm going to Bali for 2 weeks in 10 days,
but I still won't be wearing shorts over there. Dresses mostly, if they're loose, or loose slacks w/tops.
by Miro
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