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Can you stand nails scratching on blackboard?

by Manny (follow)
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Can you stand the idea / sound of nails scratching on a blackboard?

Source: www.recordsletter.com

I cringe just by someone mentioning it.. Why do you think it makes people cringe?
Does it give you goosebumps?

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The thought of it doesn't bother me too much, but somebody actually doing makes my teeth hurt.
Hey, I thought I was weird! :P The sound makes my gums feel dry. LOL.
by Vee
Ouch! Yes, it's such a weird thing and I have no
idea WHY the noise has any effect on anyone.
I don't know one person who could stand it.
All part of our 'make-up'.
It makes me cringe...and also I get a nasty 'tic' from it.
The tic doesn't last long, but is very embarrassing.
My son did it a few times, trying to be smart!

Sounds like these really make me cringe. What I find worse though, is the sound of nails scratching on the material of a raincoat.
It doesn't bother me. I don't like it and I would never want to listen to it but if I hear it, well I've heard it and that's about all the reaction it gets from me! I think it makes people cringe because we've always been told it should make us cringe. There are far worse sounds you can hear, in my opinion. A baby crying hopelessly, a bomb going off.... nails on a blackboard? Not a problem really.
I can't stand this noise, sends a shiver down my spine every time I hear it!
Even looking at that picture makes my hair stand on end.
Funnily enough I hate watching people cleaning their teeth especially onT.V it makes my blood run cold
Arhhhhhhhhhhh. No! Even the thought makes my skin crawl!
by Vee
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