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Can you ride a push bike, and when did you last do this?

by Finy (follow)
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Can you ride a push bike?

When did you last do this?

#Push bike
#Ride a bike
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I think once you have ridden you can always ride.
Yes, I can ride a push bike and did so for many years, even after falling and injuring myself going down a large hill when younger.

However I have not ridden a bike for many years - perhaps about 25 years - I cannot remember when I last rode a push bike but feel sure even though I would be rusty, i would still be able to.

However, I have no need to, so will not be trying, and no longer own a bike anyway!
by Finy
I have ridden a push bike, I tried to climb back on my bike a couple of yeas ago then fell off it, I haven't tried since.
I had a bike when I was about 11 or 12 . . . I was useless . . . fell off, fell off, crashed into things . . . no more bikes for me! People seem to hate cyclists anyway, so I'll stay in my car.
by Rice
I use to ride one in the park with my sons when little, had a really great time too.
Took me ages to learn 'how-too'...lol

I think if I was younger, I could do it again...no worries.
I used to be able to ride as a child and teenager. Once I got a car, the bike became less necessary. I am sure that I would be able to ride again . On our up coming holiday, I will probably try bike riding again. It will be quicker than walking everywhere.
I never owned a pushbike and so I had little opportunity to learn. When I did try, I just could not 'get it' so happily resumed my favourite method of transport which is Walking!!I even would walk to and from work!!
Oh absolutely.

Last time possibly 2 -3 years ago.. not my favourite thing.
I can ride a bike. The last time I rode a bike was around 4 years ago. I did a cycle from Perth CBD to Fremantle and back again.
by AJ
This question has been asked before! The ONLY 1 time I have been on a bike, was when a friends teenage son tried to teach me in Bali! he was running along next to me, handing on to the left bike handle. I only lasted 2 or 3 minutes, because I felt I was too high off the ground! Ops! (I don't like heights!)
by Miro
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