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Can you play Sudoku?

by Finy (follow)
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Can you play Sudoku, and is it something you would like to learn, if not?

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I just love puzzles, but have never been able to play Sudoku !!! I would be okay if someone would show me how. I can usually pick things up if I am shown. My Mum can't show me, as we usually do WORD puzzles together. Sometimes, we ring each other up if we are stuck for one of the crossword clues. Never been good at maths, so Sudoku NO !!!
I would show you if I could.
by annfi
That would be great, Annfi !!!
by Lluxi
No I can't play Sudoku - I think you need to be logical to play it?
I have tried once or twice and did not understand it - to me it looks like one of those intelligence tests we used to take!

Now that I am learning Mahjong, maybe I will try Sudoku again....wonder if it is fun .
by Finy
It does require logic, rather than maths. Really just a process of eliminating what it isn't until there is only one possible answer for each box. Start at an easy level puzzle, move to a harder level as you improve.

by annfi
It hurts my brain. I am more of a creative soul.

My mother adores Sudoku and now plays it on her iPad.
I've tried but takes too long for me to figure what belongs where. I stick to my crosswords. My husband loves it and is always buying new sudoku books. He goes to bed with his books and works on them before sleep.
You could be married to my brother! Heehee :-)))
by Rice
I have never played but since I play chess its probably something that I would enjoy doing.
No...I trued, and well it just didn't work.
Made me feel sad...
hit the 'u' next to the 'i '' Oops!!
by jonaja
Nope. No. Nyet. Non. I am hopeless with numbers. My brother loves Sudoku and is always doing the little blighters but I find them so frustrating. I'll stick to my cryptic crosswords.
by Rice
I enjoy cryptic crosswords too. Sudoku is not a game of mathematics..but logic. Would you find it better to replace the numbers 1 to 9 with letters A to I , and know each row vertically and horizontally has to contain one of each?
by annfi
See Rice, I enjoy Sudoku but am utterly hopeless when it comes to cryptic crosswords.
by Vee
No, tried and tried, finally gave up. I prefer crossword puzzles.
Yes, I do and I am enjoy playing it.
No, I can't play suduku,and I don't understand it.
When I play Sudoku, I have notes in all the boxes as to what the possible answer is. As a number is found conclusively I erase it from the other boxes. A friend told me that defeats the purpose, as he keeps all that information in his head and believes that is why it is so good for the brain.
I figure if it is still a challenge my way, it is still helping my brain to remain active.
Hmmm . . good point annfi, that might stop my brain turning into Pacman. I did do one once . . I had to as I was being held hostage until I finished it! LOL. The idea of letters is much more appealing. I will give it a try. Thank you :-))
by Rice
You're welcome.
by annfi
I love playing sudoku, I've graduated to the hard puzzle and my friend does the easy ones, so the book isn't wasted. It's a good pasttime in winter and to keep your brain active.
I am filled with admiration and I will have to try harder. Maybe if I do the letter ones first, as annfi suggested, it might "click" with me.
by Rice
Hi Rice you do one letter or number at a time in each box. That might help you. Once you get it . It's real fun and you won't be able to stop. Good luck.
by nat_c
Yes. I enjoy it. I admit that I can't do the very difficult ones. I prefer the medium difficulty ones, but only when I'm in the mood. I also like crosswords but not the cryptic kind!
by Vee
No, I'm not smart enough to do them. They look for too difficult for me to do! I'm more into...Find the Word' puzzles & trying to answer these A. A. questions!
by Miro
I am addicted to Sudoku.I love the game and can play it for hours.
I am terrible at it, but I like to try
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