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Can you live comfortably without a credit card?

by dwatk (follow)
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Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/.

Are you dependent on credit cards to execute day to day tasks? Would your life be adversely affected if you were no longer able to use credit cards?

#Credit card
#Master card
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We have one but we only use it for emergencies. I hate DEBT, and interest terrifies me. We manage just fine without most of the time.
I had three cards for years.
Then one day found I could no longer keep up payments, due to the crazy Interest also on the card.
I cut them up, and have paid off half of all three.
The day I am 'card-debt free'! will be such a burden gone.
I definitely need to have a credit card. It's the best way to manage cash flow and spending. I can see exactly how much I have spent and on what and I can have the money ready in my current account to pay it off in one lump sum, rather than having small amounts dribbling out over the month. Spending with cash means that more is spent I think, as it is harder to track and much easier to spend!
I don't have a credit card, nor do I want one. I just have a debit card because that way I know I am only spending my own money. I've never felt the need for a credit card.
I have a visa debit card to use online and any other time I need a credit-style card. This serves my needs well. I have had a credit card in the past and felt great satisfaction watching the teller cut it in half when I had paid it off and closed the account.
We have several credit cards which all get pain full every month so we don't pay interest. We use them to pay for pretty much everything as we get rewards points. We have the credit account that we use all the time (it has the highest rate of rewards points) then we have a back up which a couple of regular bills come out of. Then we have my old one which is with a different bank and is for emergencies only.
I've never had one, so I'd say yes.
by Vee
Yes- only spend money that you have.
I have put scissors to those suckers and never looked back.
by Gia
Of course! I never use one, and don't think I'm missing out on anything.
It's a joy to live without them. In doing this you spend only what you have.
Yes, they are only useful for emergencies or to buy something that has become available on a "Special".
The Banks are ripping people off with the massive interest rates, they are long overdue to reduce the excessive rates.

Yes, I could. I hate thought of debt and owing outstanding bills! That's what nightmares are made of. For sure!
No. Only use my Amex Card for ebay purchases. This balance is cleared every month by direct debit so I am never in debt. I use my Debit card for everyday transactions.
I have one but the moths fly out when I open the part of the handbag it lives in. I have gone several years at a stretch without using it - it is for travelling and emergencies only.
by Rice
dont use one
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