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Can you imagine not having Glad Wrap and Silver Foil wrap?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: ebay.com.au

Can you remember or imagine not having silver foil or plastic wrap to use in the kitchen?

#Plastic wrap
#Aluminium foil
#Cover food
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I remember when silver foil first came out and we all crumbled it into balls and made big balls.

I cannot remember what we did before that but guess we used Tupperware or similar to store things.

I now could not imagine a kitchen without both cling wrap and foil as I use the cling wrap almost daily.

I have stopped using the foil much since I ready that it leaches something when you cook with it. But do not know if this is true or just another new thing someone has invented.
by Finy

I stopped using them years ago!
So I guess I can imagine..
Good on you! What do you use instead?
I use those snap on containers, with blue handles.They come in every size, and will last for years, they all seem to fit inside each other,so not space lost to keep them all in one place.
by jonaja
But! it is still good for getting dressed up as in my pic :) and being a grown up spaceman!! that's a MUST lol.
by jonaja
I do not use either of these items often,however I DO have them in the kitchen at all times,in case I need them!
This is so funny. Cant believe how much I actually use these. I guess it would be back to paper and closed containers.
by Gia
It is hard to imagine but...I know I would cope anyway one way or another
by Fran
by AJ
I use both a lot so I couldn't imagine my kitchen without it
by AJ
No. Well I can imagine it but not easily. They are both essentials in my life! Not just for cooking but craft too.
Yes. I've made a half hearted effort to replace it and I think I could if I was forced to. I have reusable sandwich wraps but not enough of that sort of thing for other purposes. I saw a tutorial on making your own reusable wrap using cloth and wax but it concerned me that you couldn't wash it properly.
I'm in the same boat.
by Vee
To be honest I couldn't imagine it in a million years, although I do believe I could cope.
I don't actually use it very often. So yes.
When I was little, waxed or grease proof paper was the only 'wrap' available. Then, item/s placed in brown paper bag. Kept food fresh enough to lunchtime.
Those wraps still available, & still used.
Love glad wrap & alfoil; just SO many uses!
P.S. Did you know that 'aluminium foil' is a by-product of the '60's 'space race'?

by donjo
No. I love both products.
I can still remember the greaseproof paper for school lunches - lunches like tomato sandwiches and bananas becoming overripe. No I think they are wonderful products.
I try to minimise how much I use these two. I have reusable containers for leftovers. Having said that, I could not imagine not having foil and wrap.
by Vee
i use them nearly every day. Also cannot imagine what I would do without baking paper which is handy for putting between food and the silver foil.
I have these but rarely use them, have not need for them . hate to think how long they have been in my cupboard,
Hello flaga.....well, they won't have 'gone off'!
by donjo
YES! I have not bought either for many years.
Food wastage would fall dramatically, and people would cook and eat better, healthier meals.
Plastic wrap is NOT recyclable.
I have searched locally for the waxed paper. Who sells this now?
no idea on waxed paper -sorry -havent used it for years.....
by Finy
Oh! agree......just check in section of supermarket where foil & cling-wrap sold. Can still buy product 'grease proof paper'. I haven't purposely looked for 'waxed paper', but it maybe there! Cheers!
by donjo
I find that the IGA stores are good for stuff that others don't keep. I am wondering if Tiger still makes it at all, though.
by Rice
Quite easily: there was none when I was a child. Mother used to cook for the family and it was all eaten. We had no fridge, only a larder. Things went into jars. Baked goods went into tins. Butcher, baker, fruiterer, grocer etc. all came door to door and delivered goods that were in greaseproof paper inside brown paper or in kraft brown bags. I use pyrex containers with lids and recycled jars. I have a Tupperware roast container which is *eons* old that I put roasts and silverside into. I have also thought about the waxed cloths Jennifer spoke of and I am pretty sure my gran used them. Things were never kept long term in those days and I am pretty sure Mother used to put a damp cloth over things (bowls) and secure with string or a rubber band. (I suddenly feel verrrrry old.)
by Rice
Oh . . . and bowls with plates inverted on top too.
by Rice
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