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Can you eat food with a lot of chilli in it?

by Finy (follow)
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Can you eat food with a lot of chilli in it?

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I can eat, what is probably called medium!
I like chili but am not a good judge of how much to put in a recipe - when I recently made this vegetarian chilli con carne, I used dried red chillies, and soaked them for half a day.
Result - it was very hot even though I took the seeds out of them!
I still ate, and enjoyed it - just that my mouth was burning afterwards!!
I do like that bit of kick in some meals.
by Finy
When I cook, I always cook mild. You can always add more spiciness, but you can't add less. Same with salt.
by Polly
I have your problem Finy, I put a bit of something in and then put a bit more, just in case. LOL. It is hard to judge.
by Rice
Hi finy, This isn't in answer to your question, but I'd like to tell you anyway! When our daughter was having her 2nd baby, our grand-daughter, who was 3 or 4 at the time announced: If it's a a boy baby, I'd like it to be called: Risotto, & if it's a girl baby, I'd like her to be called: Chilli" Needless to say, it was a baby girl, but she wasn't called Chilli, she was named....GINGER. So still with the spices! (And yes, the family are vegetarians!!)

by Miro
Oh yes. I like spicy foods. I usually add it to my food when I am going to eat so as not to pepper the entire family pot.
My mouth loves spicy food! I love the way my lips tingle afterwards. It reminds me of how it felt after being thoroughly kissed!
In India we accidentally gathered an audience because our Indian friend told the restaurant staff we like spicy food. When our food arrived the staff all came out to watch us eat it. On our second visit to the restaurant, the spice level was taken up a notch without any consultation. We realised what was going on and ate our food without showing any hint that it may be too hot. When asked if I liked the meal - I replied-" Yes thank you. It is very nice." I overheard the staff having a conversation, repeating my words and laughing loudly .
My mouth loves spicy food, but after having my gall bladder removed, sadly, my stomach doesn't love spicy food as much any more.
I can not eat food with
Any in it!
"A lot" is relative. I don't like it as hot as some people do, like if you get really authentic hot Thai food, but I like food hotter than most folk of European descent I know. I grow several kinds of chillis but I don't cook with them as much as I'd like to because the kids don't really have a taste for it yet.
how old are your children, Jennifer?
by Finy
My eldest is seven.
I do use chilli a fair but in my cooking, but I don't like foods that are super hot. Chilli is quite good for you, so I like to have some, but I am not heavy handed with it. I quite like spicy food, and I am lucky in that I will eat a variety of cuisines.
My lips swell!
I like food with flavor, but not spicy. The worst is the spicy food that starts out okay and then "creeps up on you" until your tongue starts burning like crazy. It hurts. I guess I am a mild to mild/medium chili person.
I enjoy a small amount of heat in food with chilli, but I am not a fan of the really hot chillies at all! I never have been. My son who is a chef has really enjoyed hot chillies since he was about 10 years old. He certainly didn't inherit this taste from me!!
No, no, Nanette! However, I am not quite as bad as my daughter who is a sweller, like donjo.
by Rice
No, no no. It burns my mouth and makes tongue, cheeks and gums bleed.
I don't like food if its too spicy but sometimes I do like a small kick in my food.
by AJ
No - I'm a total wuss when it comes to really hot food.
I can, I do and I enjoy it. I think it is the development of palate since childhood. We in India were exposed to spicy/chilli food at a very young age. I also eat simple chilli chutney with other dishes.
Hotness in chillies comes from the seeds and I don't remove them. Different varieties of chilli taste different and have different level of hotness. So know your chillies before you use them. I always start with a small amount when I am unsure and work my way up. I always have chilli powder on hand to adjust taste at later stages of cooking.
Note: Eating too much chilli is known to cause trouble during morning ablutions.
Chilli is a very good way to spoil food! Too much chilli destroys all flavours,nt to enter the lips and tongue etc! I thing it is overrated, Chiili is in way too many basic supermarket ttems and I don't buy those, I like mild curries and some mexican food
but many foods don't go with chilli so keep it out of my chocolate for starters.
Yes, I am in love with chilli
I like my food very mild and always used to complain that my food was too hot as a child.
We could eat chilli dishes, but now we're older, we find it hard to eat them now. I do scrape out the seeds, & I do know the green ones are supposed to be hotter than the red ones, (Of cause I used to think it was the other way round!) Now they make my coughing attacks worse. When our youngest granddaughter was 3, she'd stick her finger into the little tin of paprika, & eat it like that, but I don't suppose that would have been as hot as chilli powder! A few years ago, I couldn't understand why my m/i/l/ couldn't eat the my chilli con carne I'd cooked, but now I can!
by Miro
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