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Can you describe the moment when you saw your child or children for the first time?

by Finy (follow)
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Can you describe how you felt the moment you saw your child or children for the first time after being born?

#Birth of baby
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I had two Cesaereans so did not see them instantly.

In those days, it was a full anasthetic and the first one I was sick afterwards and someone sent me a boquet of lillies. In my daze, I thought these were "death" flowers, so did not ask about my baby, thinking she had died.
Got a real shock when they asked if i wanted to see my baby in the special nursery!

I felt overwhelmed because i thought I had no baby so I cannot really describe the feeling!
by Finy
When my daughter was born she was put on belly, blood and poo and all, and she looked up at me with this expression that seemed to say "what's all this about?". I was in love the moment I saw her.

With my son I had to shift around so I could lift him out of the water (he was born in the bath) and hold him. I didn't know he was a boy yet, just that he was mine and he was perfect. He took a minute or so to get around to opening his eyes. It was like he didn't realise yet that he'd been born.
No I can't describe it.

I was blown away,it was the most incredible feeling
I ever have really had....Life changed 100% from then on in my mind.
I was so relieved that he was big,pink and healthy,while I was so thin,white and sick!!!! I wasn't even allowed to sit up for 24 hours!!! The photos reflect how I felt though,and he was PERFECT!!!!
Magical. I was so filled with love after each labour. Even now when I watch a birth on TV it brings back such overwhelming emotions and I get all teary!
Me too.
by annfi
I have not had children yet but I suspect that it's a very magical moment the first time you meet your baby
by AJ
Incredulous mixture of shock and amazement full of emotion....I thought all my Christmasses had come at once...life changed from that moment on..
by Fran
The initial minutes following Lulu's debut into the world brought me complete and utter shock. My husband was crying and I sat in the bath looking up at him and my son in my arms and thought, "How the heck am I supposed to feel? Why aren't I crying? Oh my God, it's over. Thank You. He's so blue. He's so little. He's my baby! MY BABY! OH YEAH!"

That night was the most magical night of my life. Once my husband, his brother and my sister left the birthing centre, I held my son for hours on end. I wish I could go back to that night and cuddle some more.

by Vee
With both my kids I was very emotional and stuck for words. When my daughter was born my Dad was in the same hospital, having just had bypass surgery. Within minutes of her being born he was wheeled into the labour ward to hold his first granddaughter. OMG I cried!
Wow. :)
by Vee
My first I got to see her foot as the OB sort of flung her over the curtain and then rushed her off. I was bawling my eyes out due to a very traumatic labour and caesarean and could barely see. I was then screaming at them to put her back as I hadn't seen her. They sent her to the special care nursery for no reason and my partner went with her. I thought she must be dying as I had been told that babies are only separated from their mothers if they are really sick. I finally got to see her in my room about 3 hours later - it was really weird and I didn't really feel a lot of connection as I was too tired and drugged and traumatised.

My second bub was also a c/s. I had them lower the drape so I could see him coming out and even though I didn't really see much I felt much more connection to him as I had witnessed him coming out of my body. He never left my side.
lizzi, I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't cut it or change anything, but I am.
by Vee
Overwhelming responsibility. Relief after the initial all over check for toes, fingers etc. I wanted to keep my baby with me, in my tired arms all the time. Certainly got my wish. No help from any caring staff.
I missed out on that. Had to have a Cesarean and knock me out as the epidural didn't work. Very sad :-(
When I was fully awake after GA Caesarean (no choice!), I said to my son 'Hello, little man, welcome to the world'! He was 9lbs & 22half inches long!
He's now 6'4" tall, a Sous Chef, with Patisserie quals., & B.Hosp.Mgt.
My daughter was just gorgeous, with beautiful light brown wavy hair. She's now 5'10" tall & so beautiful, could've been a model! She's married, & has her Bachelor's & Masters' Degrees' in her chosen career.
I'm a very proud Mum & love my children to bits! I've been exceptionally blessed with my children & very thankful for them.
With my first I was amazed at how beautiful she was. (So many baby are red and squishy at first)
With the second, she looked into my eyes and laughed! There was a flash of recognition and then she went back to being a baby.. red and squishy.
The moment I saw my baby I worried if the purplish colour was normal. After the first breath that turned to healthy pink. I didn't know the gender of my child before birth, but I felt sure I was having a girl. The doctor didn't say but held my baby toward me for me to determine. For a split second I thought she was deformed...but realised he was perfectly normal for a boy. Haha.

When I looked at his face his nose looked really big, I mean really big...I thought I am going to have to teach this child to be resilient with a nose like that. I expect I will love him unconditionally, but he will have to learn that looks are superficial.
After a few days we realised his nose was swollen from delivery, and settled to being a slightly large not ugly or unusual nose.
I remember being flooded with so much love and gratitude that my husband and I had been blessed with a perfectly healthy baby.
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