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Can you change a car tyre?

by Shelley Murphy (follow)
Shelley Murphy Counsellor & Psychotherapist Masters of Counselling & Psychotherapy UofA Member of the ACA College of Supervisors Level 3 Member Australian Counselling Association Email: [email protected] Web: AdelaideAnxietyTherapy.com https:/ www.facebook.com/ShelleyMurphyCounselling/ @GrowinEsteem
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I was raised in the country so it was essential that I knew how to change my car tyre. I still have the knowledge but living in the city has meant that I haven't had to use this knowledge for many years.
Would you be able to change your tyre if you had to?

#Car maintenance
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No ........but my Friends at the N.R.M.A. Can!
Yes, years ago I was part of all women cross country rally team and we learned how to change a tyre in under two minutes flat! These days I usually get someone else to do it, but it's nice to know that I could if I needed to.

My husband taught me how to change a tyre, so I'm pretty confident I could do it.
by Vee
Vee!! 'you crazy girl'......that's very impressive :)
by jonaja
NO, and I've probably never tried it because I don't own a car.

One day.
Lucky then, it would cause quite a stir if you started changing random peoples' tyres! lol
Lucky then, it would cause quite a stir if you started changing random peoples' tyres! lol
No, that's why I have the RACV!

I can change a bike tyre though, and fix a puncture if need be.
No .
I make sure the RACQ membership it always paid.
Will add to my to do list , always fun to learn something new.

by Zen
Of course I cannot -I cannot even use a drill, let alone do something as complicated as change a car tyre.

I am a member of the RAC so if I ever needed this doing, I would phone them.

Not something on my list of having to learn either -messy, difficult job!
by Finy
I'm with jonaj. That's why I'm quick to pay up my annual RACQ membership dues.
As opposed to all replies, I can truly say I can change a car tyre, being in the car trade for near 40 yrs.
What the question should ask is, "can you change a car wheel"? The wheel is the rim & tyre as fitted together for the car.

Changing a tyre involves some very physically strenuous activity if only with tyre levers and a rubber mallet, compared to minor physical effort using a tyre machine.

On the other hand, in a perfect world, changing a car wheel is relativily easy, providing the correct vehicle position, a good working jack, correct hand tools and the required knowledge.

Vehicle terminology always makes me go grrr when it comes up, but I do smile at the same time. .
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