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Can you blow bubbles with chewing gum or bubble gum, or have you never tried?

by Finy (follow)
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Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Can you blow bubbles with either chewing gum, or bubble gum, or have you never tried this?

#Chewing gum
#Bubble gum
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It's easy with bubblegum as that is what it is made for, and such fun to see how big a bubble I can blow!

However I need two pieces of chewing gum to blow a bubble and that requires more skill, but yes, I have done it.

Needless to say I do not do it anymore as an old lady blowing bubbles would look rather strange walking down the street!
by Finy
This takes me back....YES
by Fran
It's been over thirty years since I last did it but I could blow bubbles no problem at all as a child.
I haven't had gum since I was about 11. I wasn't allowed it until as 10. On my 10th birthday I immediately bought some just because I could, went mad on it for a little while, then got mored and didn't bother again. I also got a little scared because of rumours floating around that said gum could give you mouth ulcers.

Back then I could blow bubbles with bubble gum, but not with chewing gum.
I can blow bubbles with both bubble gum and chewing gum
by AJ
I used to blow super bubbles with proper bubble gum when I was young!! Aaaah! what fun!! But I have not done so for many long years now!
This takes me back....YES
by Fran
Yes, when a child!
Blows bubble with bubble gum*.
by Vee
I can, although my hair is too long for me to without spending hours cleaning it out.
i did with bubble gum when I was 12 years age that was the fashion then looks like it still is. never did like chewing gum or bubble gum. only for blowing the bubbles thank goodness I gave it up soon after, I dislike seeing people chewing gum looks a a cow chewing its cud..
I've been able to blow bubbles with bubble gum since I was a little kid. The difficulty is not so much the blowing than the aftermath, should the bubble burst on your face!
Ive never really tried
I'll be darned if I could. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't. Just like I could never wolf whistle with my fingers stuck in my mouth.
I can blow bubbles with bubble gum, but I'm not keen on bubble gum, I'm not keen on chewing gum either, I use it only as a breath freshner then get rid of it.
I don't think I can, & I'm too old to try now! We had our eldest granddaughter for the week-end at the other daughters house. She found a packet of it in Woolies, so we bought it for her. My daughter taught her how to use it, on the train! She took about 50 selfies on my phone, as she learnt to the blow bubbles. She keeps the packet at her aunties house for her next visit!
by Miro
when bubble gum first came on the market we kids loved it mainly for blowing bubbles.

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