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Can you actually watch operations on TV or do you cringe and look away?

by Finy (follow)
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Are you able to watch when you see an operation on television, or do you have to look away?

#Fear of blood
#Watch operation
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I cannot bear to look at these.
I physically cringe and have to look away when they do an operation on TV!

I have never been able to look at blood, even my own so I guess it is not surprising that I could not watch an operation.
by Finy
.No I don't like looking at operations and what is worse for me is any violence at all in movies or real life...am a real sook in this regard
by Fran
I like watching and find it interesting.
Half and Half.

Depends on what is being done.
Some are ok, while others tend to make me feel a bit sick.
Mainly where I can see a hand handing off, or eye balls hanging out.

But, if the operation is fairly straight forward, then I seem to be o.k.
I usually have no problems at all watching this type of thing.I guess it is because I have had so many big operations myself!!In fact I find many of them very interesting. I did have an issue seeing a program where a lady had a similar problem to one I had endured which made me feel a bit 'off',but that is about the only time I have looked away!!
In most cases I don't have a problem with watching operations on TV, or seeing blood, exposed muscles. There is the odd occasion when I cringe and look away, but usually I'm okay with it.
No no no! I close my eyes or look elsewhere and ask my husband to let me know when the scene is over. And it's not only about surgeries. A cut, a fight... basically anything that involves blood.
Operations is totally fine, being a doctor myself it would be a shame if I cringed.
However when my husband watches these Sci Fi movies or those vampire stuff and there is weird blood related scenes I get totally put off
It depends on what is being done. I can look at most things. But even though I can watch and I might still be cringing
by AJ
I find TV ops really to be fascinating and educational.
by Lucy
I can watch, but only because my parents are in the medical field.
No way I am going to watch surgery being performed:-)
I cringe most of the time.
It depends on what I am watching. I used to be easily grossed out, but I now find myself watching in horror as doctors cut into patients on TV.
by Vee
I hate the compromise of privacy (or rather, dignity) when viewing operations. I always imagine myself in the patient's position (literally). I worked in hospitals for years and years and never once did I watch an operation. Just didn't think it was any of my business. And anyways, you never learn anything from an operation that has been televised, because all staff are putting their best foot (face, behaviour) forward.
Have no problem watching operations'. Both my sister & niece, were/are Operating Theatre Sisters, so grew up with discussing medical scenarios'.

I do not watch these hospital type shows on tv. so cannot say if I would watch an operation or not.
I get a bit fidgety and sometimes have to shut my eyes but I think these medical shows are good and show us and maybe reassure us what Drs. Do.
I don't watch much TV but if there happens to be a medical procedure I always look away. I also look away or close my eyes if there is violence.
Yes I can watch an operation on the teev. I find it most interesting. By the way, the patient in your picture is obviously totally relaxed, look at the way the feet are positioned. Usually in ops they are side by side, to present blood clots occuring.
Probably was relaxed enough before anaesthetic, but you would think that the nursing staff may have uncrossed those feet for him so that he didn't end up with a clot post operatively. Means to me that you don't have to have nursing staff as in circulating, scrub or scout roles if they can't take notice of simple positioning problems such as this.
by fran.
No way. I immediately change channels.
No, I have had enough surgery to resist the need to watch others being operated on.
I enjoy watching real operations on tv. The dramatised operations don't interest me and I sometimes find them funny. I worked as a vet nurse and really enjoyed assisting with surgery. I find it fascinating.
Sometimes when injuries are shown on tv I cringe. When accompanying my Grandmother to have a skin cancer removed from her back, I felt a bit uncomfortable watching the doctor cut my loved one. The doctor said I went pale and advised me to look away. I didn't think I was that bad, but I obeyed his instruction as he didn't need a second patient in the room.
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