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Can women really have it all?

by SupahAnnie (follow)
Hi, I'm a friendly Stay at home Mum with a background in childcare. I love writing, reading and talking! Please view more of my articles through these links: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com.au/profile/300618/ www.mothersgroupmagazine.com, supahannieblog.wordpress.com/ https:/ www.facebook.com/annie.krempin convozine.com/supahannie/ Jenneke.com.au
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From the time you leave school everything is about finding your dream career. You do courses, study your butt off then graduate and work 12 hour days. But then you also want to get married, have kids, get a promotion and a pay rise etc, etc. But can you be the woman that has it all?

work, career, kids, dream, marriage, balance, life, juggle

Do you know someone that does have it all? If so how do they do it?

Do you think having it all is just a dream or could it be a reality?

Do you think there is too much pressure on women to have it all?

I can't wait to hear your thoughts...

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No, I don't think we can possibly have it all, I think we (society) put too much pressure on ourselves. We do the best we can with what we've got!
Depends on your line of thinking. If you have a burning desire to have it all, you'll be determined to do what is necessary to have it all. However, there are a few so called 'disclaimers' to having it all....you just cannot have it all at once. For example, kids and career...it usually is one or the other, and not both simultaneously.
If there is a women out there who feels that she has it all then I say that's awesome, good luck to her, you go girl.

But I think 'having it all' these days is almost impossible. There is just not enough hours in the day!
I think you are totally right Erica! :)
Yes, Justine I agree, Ta :)
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