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Can regular usage of a hair dryer damage the hair?

by joya. (follow)
I am a freelance writer, a food enthusiast and an explorer. Check out my weekendnotes profile: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com/profile/177032/
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Image by bradleypjohnson via WIkimedia Commons

Is drying hair regularly with a hair dryer bad for the hair?

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Yes, I think it tends to make your hair dryer, brittle, and frizzy. Just don't use them too often but if you have too, it's best to use with heat protection serum or oil treatment.
I feel that regular usage of hair dryer can damage hair. Every so often let your hair breath by letting it dry naturally.
I think it's bad but I do it anyway. I guess it also depends on how much you take care/treat your hair as well. I have fairly thin hair but if I let it to air dry it becomes really frizzy but when I blow dry it, it stays straight and sleek. But I know that in the long run I'm damaging it!
The heat dries out your hair.
Yes, it's very damaging.
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