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Can non-sun burns cause cancer?

by Bryony Harrison (follow)
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We are constantly reminded about the dangers of getting a sun burn and how it can cause skin cancer, but can other burns (such as from an oven, kettle steam, boiling water) cause skin cancer too?

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Absolutely not. Cancer is caused by mutated cells, not burnt cells. Burnt skin cells will grow back quite normally. Damaged, mutated cells which multiply and multiply, and divide and invade healthy tissue, is not the same thing.
I wouldn't be at all surprised. I have never looked into it but I imagine damaged tissue could easily be a magnet for cancer, especially if it refused to heal.
by Rice
No Idea?

I Google stuff, and normally find the answer over say 10-15 mins of looking.
There are obviously radiation burns, which can cause cancer, but I don't know about other types.
There are obviously radiation burns, which can cause cancer, but I don't know about other types.
Thanks Lluxi, that was very helpful.
Not sure. I would have to check it out.
Im not a doctor so would have no idea!
by Finy
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