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Can armpit hair be sexy?

by Vee (follow)
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Ruby Bird. Producer, costumier by Ben Hopper
Ruby Bird. Producer, costumier by Ben Hopper

Ben Hopper, a London-based photographer, has released a series of photographs from his "Natural Beauty", series to defy the artificiality promoted by the beauty industry.

The project, which portrays a series of attractive women with their underarm hair on display, suggests that beauty and body hair are not mutually exclusive.

What do you think, can women get away with having armpit hair or any other body hair for that matter?

#Body hair
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I always shave mine because I think it looks nicer. However....this is a very interesting question. Even though people today criticise former cultural practices in various societies such as the wearing of corsets in the Victorian / Edwardian era and the foot-binding of young girls in traditional China (which both had the objective of enhancing feminine beauty), women today still have quite a few hoops to jump through if they want to conform to the stereotyped ideal of beauty. These things may not be enforced like they are in other cultures but they definitely exist, with many women internalising them. For example....shaving legs, shaving underarms, the removal of facial hair, the popularity of cosmetic surgery (when it's not really necessary) and dying hair with toxic colours (even though its well-known that many can be eventually lethal). No wonder so many young girls have body issues! Whether someone chooses to shave under their arms or not is possibly the least harmful of all these things.
Arm pit hair on a woman......no not sexy at all.
As for legs, not sexy.
What if it was nicely plaited? Haha. Just kidding jonaj. You seem quite repulsed by the idea!
by Vee
Well during the 60's when I was a teenager.... a lot of women use to lift their arms on the buses, holding on as we went round a corner (you know)...anyway's I would get a face full of that hair, and sometimes on a hot day!@#?*#!?
Hello!!!! smelly too. yuck.
by jonaja
Oh crap jonaj! Now I understand your aversion to it! Hahaha.
by Vee
Life was pretty full on in those days...LOL
by jonaja
Complete no no. Especially flaunting like that is anything but sexy
Hair is naturel so let it be
I love your view!
To those who say 'it's natural, why shouldn't we'.....
It's natural to have a runny nose when you have a cold.
Yet we wipe it for hygiene and decorum.
It's natural to fart...yet we silence them for manners sake.
It's natural to do lots of things but we have to take into account hygiene and manners. If you know you will offend people with what you do (on purpose), to be a rebel who won't 'conform', or just because you have 'rights', don't forget that others have the 'right' to NOT be exposed to your lack of manners too. If you don't like your society's rules on decorum, then go live like a hermit.

On answering whether a woman can get away with body hair, yes, she could, but good luck finding a 'normal' guy that will find you attractive. You will just look dirty and lazy not just to guys but many people. I would not trust the woman with the hairy armpits full stop in any type of business. (And I'm not talking about keeping up with the shaving on time, or those who can't do it themselves, I mean the ones that refuse to shave because they are making a statement). Definitely not sexy.....
I think it looks odd. I wonder how they get deodorant to work, or if it is messy. A lot of the ones we see on the tv seem a little batty. I have waxed my underarms for the last 35 years or so. I just like the way it feels. It is a personal choice but many here have noted the pong. I will say, "Bald as a badger or hairy as Hagrid, please keep it clean and pleasant".
by Rice
I don't personally think that armpit hair itself is sexy (though no doubt there are people who are into that) but women with armpit hair, or other body hair, can definitely be beautiful. To me, hairy pits say "I'm much too busy being interesting to worry about shaving."
Personally I don't think it's a sexy look. You can have a beautiful or sexy woman who has armpit hair but is armpit hair sexy, erm no, just no,
No way! Hair armpits are the opposite of sexy.
On a woman - NEVER!!!! It's gross seeing a woman with even a shadow of under arm hair! We call it Feral Beryl if any one of us has it.
by steve
steve, you sound like my sister. I told her that I will grow much more than a shadow and dye it just to spite her. It's just a bit of hair. You all make me chuckle.
by Vee
Hair is naturel so let it be
peter, why do I get the feeling there may be a catch to your response? You know the saying, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Haha.
by Vee
peter, why do I get the feeling there may be a catch to your response? You know the saying, if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is. Haha.
by Vee
Body hair is not sexy. Body hair is natural. Leave it as nature intended UNLESS you are going to expose the bits that it covers. Don't wear miniskirts without dehairing your legs, don't wear bathers if you don't do your bikini line, dehair your armpits only if you may be needing to reach across or pass the plates around the outdoor dining table on a beautiful hot, summer day in a pretty little sleeveless sunfrock, or if you have to use ANY form of public transport in the summer and there is a possibility to may have to stand on that transport, holding the overhead saftey strap, or if you are a hairdresser, dentist or, in particular a nurse working in a sterile area like theatre - any situation that may involve you exposing or bringing your underarms in close proximity to another person.
Do you think men should also shave their pits if they do any one of those things you have suggested? I regularly wear shorts and skirts without first shaving my legs. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I don't expect men to shave if they too decide to wear shorts.
by Vee
Yes Vee, your'e right, there is nothing wrong with not shaving your legs before you wear shorts or skirts. Yes I do expect men, if they are in the professions I mentioned previously, to do their armpits. As for men wearing shorts, I don't really expect them to shave their legs because everyone seems to sort of accept that men don't need to, but something tells me that a lot of blokes already do shave their legs or wax and then pop in to the solarium or whatever.
But, to each their own.
I could not, cannot, understand why women needed to be shaved at the time of childbirth. Maybe they don't do it anymore, or haven't done it for years now or maybe young mothers get the wax job done prior to admission to hospital.
Maybe they used to do it for some sort of hygiene reasons like, infection or something. Whatever, hair in that area is quite natural but for a long time it seemed that people were intent on removing it in some circumstances.
by fran.
Hi Fran.....when having a C-section, complete shaving is mandatory, & done by nurse, before going to Theatre.

by donjo
Well Donjo, I don't know about caesars, I guess it is a surgical procedure (no matter what the outcome).And these days you have to be ultra careful about infections whilst in hospital, because there seem to be very little care taken with hygiene by nurses and very few cleaning staff. But with natural childbirth, I didn't think it would (or should) be a problem….but it seems hair down there is a problem. Now the point I guess I really wanted to make was, that bacteria obviously thrives somewhat in hair, and therefore in climate such as we have in Aus. you'd be best to get rid of the hair under arms to spare your fellow travellers et al. As for legs and wearing shorts, I guess it doesn't matter too much but if I decided to wear shorts, I would have to get the leg fuzz off because I think it looks nicer to have nice smooth skin on show rather than pig bristles.
by fran.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Yes but sometimes the curtains obscure the beauty
by fran.
Touché, fran.......
by donjo
Noooo waaay!!!!!!!
Thank you for your honesty, lol.
by Vee
Because of the cold weather in Europe, those women don't shave underarms.

But here with our upwards of 40 degree heat & high humidity, it's a necessity, I think, no matter how 'good' a deodorant one uses.

Remember a school-friend got into my car & when she lifted her right arm to do up seat belt, I nearly threw up! The stench from under her arm (short sleeved dress) was horrific. She'd left her husband in 2007 & I reckoned she hadn't shaved since then by the thick, long growth she had! She had friends in an European community, so she must've decided to adopt that cultural process!
What a sweeping uninformed statement about European women. I am European (Britain being part of Europe now), although living in Brisbane, and have many friends from European countries. The weather has nothing to do with whether you shave under your arms or not, it is a purely personal choice for the individual. However, personally I prefer to shave my underarms and most of my friends do.
by norma
Uninformed? Best check your facts, Norma, before you go off incorrectly, as you usually do, especially to MY comments. IMO, you're a very jealous old woman.

I lived in Europe, so I DO know what I'm talking about, as I always comment WITH knowledge, unlike YOU!

Pull ya bee head in, & STOP your nasty, snivelling comments to me. Just sick of it.
by donjo
BTW, the weather has EVERYTHING to do with shaving underarms, but, as you say, your're European, & you don't understand hot, sticky, sweaty, high humidity, even though you live in a sub-tropical climate!

Glad I don't have to sit next to you, or your ilk, on the bus, especially IF deodorant is not used, in conjunction with shaving!
by donjo
No, I think hairy armpits on women are not attractive, that is my personal view but I would not criticise any woman for having hairy armpits.

No. Usually smelly, too.
Extremely, to the point of sickening, as sometimes deodorant not used, either! YUK!
by donjo
OMG NO! That's gross. And in that photo all you are looking at is her pits. You take no notice of her. Yuck. The best thing I ever did was to get my pits lasered. Highly recommend it.
poppy. My sister said something similar. She saw a girl at the beach. Beautiful. But then she saw her pits. She said she couldn't look at her. I thought it was hilarious. It's amazing just what a big deal a little bit of hair can make to a person. Personally, I don't care much for my razor. Pit hair helps me remember I'm an adult, lol!
by Vee
Not in Australia - perhaps in Europe?
by Finy
Nope. I don't think I could grow that much hair if I tried! Glad I don't like the look!!
Never, ever, ever, in a million years never!
No never,
they look vulgar.
Why do we want to judge something as inane as armpit hair? It just is. Let it be. Some armpits are smelly wether they be shaved or not.
I don't think that looks good.
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