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Can acrylic nails damage your natural nail?

by Road Runner (follow)
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acrylic nails

Acrylic nails can look amazing. However, the thought has crossed my mind about whether sticking something like this to your nails could damage your natural nail. Can acrylic nails damage your natural nail?

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They can, and because they are not natural to use on your nails, damage occurs at some stage.It's a given. Chemicals used, will only in time ruin the natural nail under the acrylic one.I have seen some very sad nails.
I had acrylic nails done once and when they came off I found all my natural nails all bumpy. They never were the same again!
Yes they can make natural nails thin and flaky, especially if you've had them a long time. But natural nails will never look like acrylic ones so I guess you've got to make a choice between ok natural nails and amazing acrylic ones. It takes about 4 to 6 months to grow out a nail completely so could take that long to get natural ones looking good again.
Yes I think it can because when there on your natural nails can't breath.
They sure do - I still don't understand where the appeal is - they look like monster nails and are extremely unattractive.
With time they do, no different to when you constantly paint your nails.
Yes they do. I had my nails done for my wedding due to a seemingly unbreakable nail-biting habit, and my nails went from bad to worse. They did grow though, I suppose that was the only plus, but never again.
by Vee
Of course they can. After you take acrylics off your natural nails are very weak and need some time to regenerate.
I've heard yes, but I don't actually know for a fact. I know that keeping nail polish on all the time softens the nail, so I guess the glue is the same. Probably not the best idea... for a regular thing...
Wrecked mine.
Without a doubt, yes. My nails were weak and wrecked after I took my acrylic nails off some years ago. They're awful.
It is about ten years since I gave up the acrylic nails. Now my natural nails are permanently short because they are damaged and I can't grown them past a certain length.
I like the look of acrylics but I got tired of sitting in a very smelly room surrounded by people wearing masks. It just lost it's appeal.
I have read that they can however I do not like acrylic nails as they always look so false, and they all look the same!

I have never had them.
by Finy
I have very good strong nails and all my life have rarely put nail polish on them, also use scissors to cut and shape them, do not use a nail file, yes they are long just buff them to look nice and shiney.
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