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Can a Man & a Women really just be close friends?

by SupahAnnie (follow)
Hi, I'm a friendly Stay at home Mum with a background in childcare. I love writing, reading and talking! Please view more of my articles through these links: http:/ www.weekendnotes.com.au/profile/300618/ www.mothersgroupmagazine.com, supahannieblog.wordpress.com/ https:/ www.facebook.com/annie.krempin convozine.com/supahannie/ Jenneke.com.au
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Male, female, relationships, friend, friendships, emotions, feelings

This one is a real nail biter!
People can be friends with who they want to, right? Is it possible to have a best guy friend that you love, but are not 'in love' with?

How would you feel if your partner was seeing another women friend alone sometimes without you, would you worry?

Is it possible? Does it work? How would you feel if your partner was really close to someone of the opposite sex?

Let us know what you think, if you have experienced it or know someone who has?

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I agree, they can be. Sometimes you don't want to be friends with an ex, you just want to move on. Yet somehow, I have enjoyed the friendships I have enjoyed with a couple of my exes, once we toned down the level of our relationship. Much happier that way, yet they're out of my life now. Not a good idea metaphysically if you want to attract your soulmate into your life.
Tricky question but in general, I think it is possible for a man and a woman to be just close friends. As long as my partner is being honest with me about meeting the opposite sex (who, when, where) and knows the relationship boundaries clearly as well as his priorities, I'm fine with it. IMHO, we can only choose to trust our partner because it's hard to sustain a relationship when there's doubt. If he chose to cheat or lie, it's really beyond our control.
Definitely. Just because someone is the opposite sex doesn't mean you'll be attracted to them, and even if you are presumably as an adult you have some self control and ability to weigh the consequences of your actions. Otherwise bisexual people couldn't have close friends.
Men are born sexual .
Unless the woman is a lot older, it will not work.

If my partner was seeing another woman friend without me, and same age group...of course!!! I would worry....In fact 'why' has he a need for another woman, in his life.That stuff should stop, the very day he said 'I do'.

Men should not seek the friendship of another woman his own age, if he has a wife..or even a partner.
The very same for a woman: If they are partners, not married it really should be a part of their respect for each other.
Certainly it would not give the partner left alone a feeling of confidence,about that relationship.
I have several male friends whose company I really enjoy. We have lots in common and can talk for hours, so I know it's definitely possible. I would not have a problem if my partner had a close female friend - if I didn't trust him I probably shouldn't be in the relationship.
I have male friends around my own age too. If my husband expected me to sever ties with them just because we were married now I'd consider that abusive behaviour. I am fine with him having female friends other than me. It would be pretty limiting for both of us otherwise.
My ex-husband had an affair with a woman, they split up, but they got back together claiming they are just friends. Not unless there was no past memories between two people of opposite sex, I don't believe they can be genuinely just friends and share activities they both enjoy. I think that somehow, both or one of them is thinking that the 'friendly' relationship could re-sparkle something back.
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