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Black or blue?

by Dilara (follow)
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Do you prefer using black or blue pen?
Do you feel more comfortable using a certain colour or does it not really bother you?
If given the choice of both, which would you choose?

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Top Answers
I'm going to be awkward and say purple ;)
Me too! I use black and purple!
by Vee
I prefer to use blue. Red - I would, if I could but since I can't I don't!
I would too!
by Rice
Blue looks better to me. I always get annoyed when I have to fill in a form that says "black pen only".
It doesn't really bother me, but I generally use blue pen out of habit.
Black and purple.
by Vee
Prefer black - no idea why!
I really don't care but guess I'd choose blue over black.
Whatever pen I grab out of the drawer first.
by Lucy
For some unknown reason I much prefer black and no longer even buy blue.

How odd, as there is no real reason for this.

I started changing when faxes came out and you had to use black pens, and just didnt go back to blue!
by Finy
I use blue because i always have. I buy blue without thinking about it but i do have one or two black pens somewhere for those forms that have to be done in black. I like the idea of purple though. Perhaps I will buy some purple biros now I have started to think about what colour would really make me happy.
Blue. I like a nice royal blue. Like Sharmila, I would use red if I could. LOL. I have far too many pens and they are in all kinds of colours. I am now inspired to use purple for a while. Thanks girls! :-))
by Rice
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