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Best wedding gift?

by WSW (follow)
Gift Ideas (4)      Wedding (3)     
Photo: David Ball - Wikimedia Commons

Picking the right wedding gift isn't an easy task.With so many options available, it's hard to know where to start and what gifts to consider. What do you think is the best wedding gift for a newly wed couple? What was the best wedding gift that you received?

#Gift Ideas
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I think CASH is the best gift. Easy for the person giving, and convenient for the couple receiving it, easy to transport, especially if the couple will be traveling overseas, and a timeless gift that is appropriate and customary in all cultures of the world.
I also find gift registry at weddings, baby showers, etc. to be very convenient.
Wedding gifts used to have a practical purpose. They were to help new couples start out their life together. I think the best wedding gifts stick to this tradition. Gifts like plate sets, homeware, kitchen electronics, etc are best because it helps couples financially with things that they need, while not imposing any aesthetic style on their new home.
I agree that Gift Registries are the best way to go. With many people marrying later in life, they tend to have a lot of the homewares already.
Another alternative is to give the couple an experience they can enjoy together like a cooking class or a romantic balloon flight. You can find great ideas for experiences at www.redballoon.com.au
I agree, money is the best gift. They can buy what's suitable for them because it's different for everyone.
I think the best wedding gift would be for the parents to pay for the wedding, as they always used to do, but they don't seem to do that anymore. I had a nephew & his g/f (then fiancé!) working in Bali. They said, that since everyone was going to the trouble of flying over for the wedding, could they please bring 1 bottle of real champagne for the reception, & nothing else. We thought was a wonderful idea!
by Miro
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