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Best way to spend Christmas day?

by WSW (follow)
Christmas (3)      Celebration (1)      Event (1)     

Christmas is a time of celebrations whether you are religious or non-religious. It is a time for family and friends to get together and enjoy the festivity. What do you think is the best way to spend Christmas day?

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The only way to spend Christmas is together with your family and relatives. But go their place so you don't have to clean up after sharing a large meal and then opening all those presents up. Not forgetting to take the usual family photos so you can remember what a great day of feasting you had together.
With my family (less keen on the in laws!)
The best way to spend Christmas day is definitely with family enjoying a relaxing lunch or dinner (or both).
Like everyone else has said, Christmas time is family time. Whether you go out or spend the day at home, it doesn't matter as long as your family are there. At our house, Christmas morning is spent opening presents, then my grandpa and dad's aunt come round in the afternoon. We have a late lunch, then watch tv until the evening. On Boxing Day, everyone comes round again and we have a buffet.

With family of course. I would think that we should focus on the people, not on the gifts or arrangements on this special day and forgive each others faults. We should make it a time of the year to renew our commitments to our family and appreciate the blessings in our life.
With the family either at the park having a BBQ or invite some relatives over for a Christmas lunch.
With my husband, daughters who live in another state, their partners, & our 2 granddaughters.
by Miro
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