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Best way to get rid of clutter?

by Vanessa M (follow)
Life (3)      Cleaning (1)      Household (1)     

What is the best way to get rid of unwanted items you have lying around the house? Should you hold a garage sale? Sell them online? Donate them to charity? Perhaps you like to give them to friends and family? Do you store some things away and wait till you can give them to your kids when they move out? Would you ever organise your own market stall? Or do you just box everything up and put it out of sight?

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In the past, anything that can still be used, I have taken to the charity shop. Recently I started selling things on ebay, but I have found that due to insertion fees, and the fact that postage always ends up more than estimated on the postage calculator, I usually end up making a loss. I've decided to give up that endeavour now.
I give clothing items that are in a good condition to charity to give to families. The other things I sell on gumtree. I have bought things off there also. It's good because people just come to your house and collect them so no worrying about postage and they can just pay you in cash. I know lots of people who used to hold their own garage sale but they all say its not worth it for the time and the effort they made no money!!
Garage sales and charity are two great options. People are always looking for a bargain and there is a whole philosophy surrounding garage sale etiquette. It's a great way to make a few extra bucks and your unwanted stuff will go to people who will appreciate it.

Another great option is giving the stuff to a charity, so that it goes to helping a charitable business who will resell your donated goods. These goods area also usually sold at a vastly discounted rate which is great for bargain hunters!
Selling on gum tree is a good way, I haven't had a garage sale before but I always have doubts on how many people would come by (don't want to sit around waiting the whole day).
Depending on 'how much' you have.

I think you can do all of the above if...you have a great deal.....
Otherwise....I love to give to charity, unless you need some money.

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