Best way to enjoy strawberries?
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Do you enjoy fresh strawberries, in a smoothie or covered in chocolate? What is your favourite, easy to prepare strawberry recipe?
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Fresh and dipped into pure melted dark chocolate...I'm drooling!
Fresh Strawberry milkshake is delicious, and if you add a few more types of berries (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries), it just tastes divine.
I have a weakness for strawberries with cream.
In fondue is the way to go!
Sliced, on top of a delicious cake.
Fresh strawberries are always the best! Goes perfect with waffles or pancakes too.
Always wash your strawberries in white wine, never water. That preserves their freshness and flavour. Just as the prices of this delicious fruit are coming down, I discover they give me eczema. No, I'm not blaming the alcoholic content.
Never heard of that before, Grann! But it makes sense! Cheers!
In a Smoothie I can really enjoy the taste.
Washed, chopped and drizzled with lemon a sprinkle of sugar. Yum!
With Whipped or Thickened Cream.
Or a dusting of Icing Sugar!
Straight out of the garden otherwise when I buy bulk it's smoothies and with icecream and fresh banana and nectarines
with chobani cocoanut yoghurt
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