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Best way to calm down?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
Self Help (1)      Stress (1)     
Do you fly off the handle as stress builds? Or are you one of those people who takes everything in their stride? Do you work yourself into a state of anxiety?

What's your tip for the best way to calm down when things aren't going your way?

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Laugh... Have you heard of the Laughing Groups? It actually works. Laughing is great for releasing good hormones, circulation, respiration and generally leaves you with a smile on your face. It also reminds you that life should not be taken too seriously and in the bigger picture, we are probably stressing over something insignificant.
For me, seeing a movie by myself works (like meditation). Or the old bath & a book!
Take a few minutes to sit somewhere comfortable and do some slow deep breathing. Every time your mind goes back to the stress simply return it to the focus of your breathing. Once you are finished that write down the problems and brainstorm what could be done about them. Perhaps go for s short work to clean your mind.
Sorry should read 'a short walk'.
I put on some new age relaxing music and lay down in a darkened room. I close my eyes and try to empty my mind from any worries. I also have fresh lavender flowers near me, as I grow my own. The lavender helps to freshen the air around me.
Meditation can work wonders, as can hammering your frustrations out on a punching bag!
My favourite ways to de-stress are: a nice relaxing bath scented with pure essential lavender oil, a relaxing massage (if a full body massage isn't possible, a foot massage is also nice), going to a yoga or tai chi class, doing some deep breathing, burning some aromatherapy oils in a burner (lavender, rosewood, clary sage or geranium are my favourites) or having a nice herbal chamomile tea.
Going for a walk works for me, or a hot bath if the weather's cold.
I walk away and spend time with my pets. A few cuddles works wonders! The problem can then be approached with a fresher mind and your pets will have made you feel good in the meantime.
Stop and breathe deeply.
by Finy
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