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Best valentine's gift?

by pinky (follow)
Valentines (1)      Gift (1)      Present (1)     
What's the best valentine's gift that you've received and what's the best valentine's day gift to give to your partner?

Image by Victor Habbick via freedigitalphotos.net

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One year I decorated the apartment that my husband and I were living in while he was at work. I blew up balloons, hang up streamers and even set up an obstacle course using cellophane tunnels, chairs, tables and cushions. I had instructions to follow the lollies trail I had made. The trail led him to every mirror we had on each mirror I used lipstick to write a love message, the end of the trail led him to his main valentine present a little teddy that was holding a heart that said i love you and his favourite chocolates. He got such a surprise when he came home, he loved it! We took pics of it and still talk about it years later.
Valentines gift for a guy -homemade chocolates or desserts and for a girl -something handmade is always cute
A nice candlelight dinner!
by WSW
I think for Valentine's, more than a gift, it's a thoughtful thing you do for your partner that would count. Like SupahAnnie did, that is something really romantic. It's easy to buy a gift, wrap it up and leave it in a gift bag, but actually "doing" something goes a long way.
I cooked home-made Chinese food one Valentine's day which was white rice and sweet & sour (red in colour). We lit up candles and had a romantic dinner.
I like flowers, but usually we just do dinner somewhere - here or out.
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