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Best unusual pizza toppings?

by Samantha (follow)
A writer living in South Australia who loves anything creative, cooking and getting out and about.
Food (29)     
I recently learnt of a pizza shop who make a 'Hot Chip Pizza' and a pizza with chicken schnitzel, mozzarella and tomato sauce known as the 'Chicken Parmy'.

It got me thinking, what are the best unusual pizza toppings you put on your pizza? Or would like to try on a pizza?

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I have seen "nutella" pizzas in corner pizza shops. I think that is a very unusual topping. In fact, I have even seen "vegemite" pizzas! I am not sure if I want to try either of these.
I enjoyed lamb and fetta cheese as a topping on a pizza.
I would like to say I want to try something nice and healthy on my pizza but really, I want to try the hot chip one. Sounds interesting.
Grilled eggplant and zucchini is lovely, on a bed of sliced mushrooms.
I know green peppers are a pretty normal topping, but I love yellow, orange and red peppers on my pizzas. Jalapenos are also fantastic! To change it up sometimes I'll get spinach, roasted garlic and feta. I've also seen lots of different sauces like Alfredo, Pesto, BBQ sauce or Ranch dressing instead of a tomato based sauce.
Buffalo Cheese!
by WSW
One of our favourites we make at home is kangaroo and feta with a light sprinkle of pizza cheese blend on top. Good with either a tomato or BBQ sauce base.
Kransky and feta cheese, cut the kransky into slices and then spread it on top of the pizza. We experiment a bit and buy the prepared base from our local supermarket.
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