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Best Superhero TV Show?

by DamienR (follow)
Photographer and writer.
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Superheroes are dominating the big screen right now, but they also have a long history on the small screen. Some have been very successful while others fall flat. What are the best ones out there? Is it a cartoon or live action? Dark and brooding or over-the-top?

Avengers, cartoon

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There have been a lot of great superhero shows out there but CW's Arrow had an amazing first season and is shaping up to be an awesome series.
Captain Caveman and the Pussy Cat Dolls was a HannaBarbera Favourite of mine. e was a hairy super hero from the Stoneage. There was also HannaBarbera's Hong Kong Phooey, a karate chopping dog who only ever succeeded due to his feline sidekick.
I loved Captain Caveman as a kid! I've never heard of Hong Kong Phooey, I'm going to have to see if YouTube has some of his cartoons.
They were both by HannahBarbera. I actually thought Captain Caveman was the less well known of the two!
And now I have the Hong Kong Phoeey theme in my head.
Sorry, Jennifer!
I was a huge fan of Astro Boy when I was a kid. However, at the end of each episode, the protagonist would give a report about the events of the episode that always contained a 'mistake'. Though I was an avid viewer of the show, I was never able to pick out the mistake. I'm curious if I would notice them now as an adult.
I loved Astro Boy as a kid, but the mistake drove me nuts! I was never able to pick it out.
Agents of Shield is turning out to be quite good, even though it's not technically about superheroes. I always liked the Justice League, it had good voice talent and great stories. The animated series of Batman from about the same time was good as well, with Mark Hamill as the Joker, and lots of appearances from more obscure villains like Harley Quinn.
I absolutely agree with you about the Justice League and Batman animated series. I loved Mark Hamill as the Joker in both Batman and in the Justice League. He has done all kinds of super-hero voices for both Marvel and DC, including the Spectre, Solomon Grundy and Scarface.
I was a huge fan of Astro Boy when I was a kid. However, at the end of each episode, the protagonist would give a report about the events of the episode that always contained a 'mistake'. Though I was an avid viewer of the show, I was never able to pick out the mistake. I'm curious if I would notice them now as an adult.
My preschooler is a big fan of Iron Man: The Armoured Adventures. Having watched a little I quite like it too. Pepper Potts also has a powered armoured suit which, unlike the outfits of most female heroes in the cartoons of my childhood (Voltron,Battle of the Planets... ) isn't pink. I just wish there were more female superheroes on tv. I guess there's the Powerpuff Girls but that's not on free to air at the moment (at least, I don't think so, we only watch ABC Kids).

I also used to enjoy the Amazing Spiderman and the Batman animated series.
Smallville was my favourite - just used to drool over Tom Wellings - what a good looking hunk.
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