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Best place to get married?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
Wedding (3)      Bride (2)      Marriage (1)      Ceremony (1)      Wedding Venue (1)     
With less weddings taking place in churches and more ceremonies being performed in alternative venues, where do you think is the best place to get married? Did you recently get married? Where did your wedding ceremony take place? What about the reception?

wedding venue, wedding ceremony, wedding, marriage, bride, groom

#Wedding Venue
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I like ones that are outside. Pretty locations. But not too far from the reception. It's a pain when you have to spend an hour driving to a new location. Also somewhere you can go back to is nice - we got married in Botanic Gardens and often drag the kids to see where we got married or visit on anniversaries.
I believe the best place to get married is someplace special for each couple. It could be a beach or by a lake where they love to picnic, someplace that really matters to them. My wife and I got married in Canmore, Alberta which is on the border of the Canadian Rockies, just outside Banff National Park. Canmore was always our weekend getaway place until we moved to the mountains permanently. The town will always hold a special place in our hearts and, for us, it was the perfect place to get married.
We got married in a public park in the city. It was beautiful as the ceremony was held in a gazebo and there were ponds in the park for our photos. We had the reception at a golf course restaurant. This was even better because we had free rides on the golf buggies over the golf course.
Since marriage celebrants are so flexible, your wedding can be on a beach, boat, headland, in your backyard or even at home. Danielle DuBois is a great marriage celebrant who performs weddings at all sorts of places. Check out her website www.yourmarriagecelebrant.com.au/
Best place to get married has to be a secluded beach called Clontarf
Getting married should be an easy thing to organise. My gosh though, how intense are all the details? Choosing a ceremony close to the after party is key to making it less stressful. I think these days when you say "wedding" function centres really know how to rip you off. So, personally, I think a venue that is accomodating to your budget, flexible with meals and options and as helpful as possible is so important for your big beautiful day.
I got married in Bali because I just couldn't see the sense in having 180 people and paying $120 minimum per head. Crazy.
You can read my article in Hotel Why.
Where ever your both the most happy...
It is your day, so it makes no difference.
It is between the two who are getting married, and as long as they both totally agree, who cares.(within reason).
I have heard people getting married where others could not get there , because too hard for older folk...So you take into consideration all 'your' desires, and who you wish to have there....or no one! like my middle son did.
No one was invited.
Just 2 witnesses and a Pastor.
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