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Best occasion for a party?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
Fun (5)      Parties (1)     
Do you have an annual party? Do you throw lots of parties? Do you ever hold a party - large or small?

Do you love to get a crowd together for Australia Day or the Grand Final?

Is Halloween your party of the year? Do you have Christmas Drinks for all your friends? Or do you gather loved ones to see in the New Year?

What's the best occasion to celebrate with a party?

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We hardly ever old parties. My mum and I don't particularly like socialising with big groups of people. This is sometimes a bit unfair on my dad, who does. He would probably like to go to more parties than we do.

We have held parties for special occasions though. For example, my Dad's 50th & 60th birthday. You can see that I was not exaggerating when I said we don't hold them very often.

Our friends hold dos more regularly, and we attend those occasionally, but in general we prefer small get togethers.
Halloween is huge for me, and we have a party every year, but otherwise, just summertime. Drinks, cocktails or even just a bbq by the pool. Not really a party for a special occasion, just a celebration of getting together with good friends, music and waning sunshine....
I'm not a fan of Halloween, New Year's Eve or sports events, but a get-together with your mates on Australia Day is always a winner.
I'm not a fan of Halloween, New Year's Eve or sports events, but a get-together with your mates on Australia Day is always a winner.
Your Birthday! There's no constraints on what kind of party you throw - it can be whatever you want.
Well it would seem that Christmas is the one that we do all seem to like, or get-on-board with.

Birthdays for special ages, I think is the other big one. 18th -21st -30th ect.
Followed by New Year celebrations.

We always have Christmas together as a family, and this is very special.
I'm not too much into having parties, they are expensive if you do it right.

The idea of people getting drunk, is such a turn off even having a party.

There are always a few people who do drink for an excuse.

If everyone is to have a good time, it needs to also be kept to a time limit.
I do love family together in December, that is my favourite time.

we're having a 1st birthday party for my grandson which should be fun and a family get-together.
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Address: Boat ride from Brooklyn (accessible only by water)
ID: 5226
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