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Best Mother's Day gift?

by You Lucky Dog (follow)
Pack leader to my tribe including dogs, cats, birds, fish and kids. Freelance writer and all around Lucky Dog
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Mother's Day gift, Mother's Day, Mothers Day, Flowers

What is the best gift you have received for Mother's Day? Or have you purchased something really creative for your Mum?

Or do we keep buying the old favourites of flowers, chocolates and slippers?

#Gift Ideas
#Mother's Day
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I think the best gift you can give your mum is your time; take her out on Mother's Day and pamper her, or go to a movie - it doesn't matter so much what you do but that you're doing it together.
I know all mothers work very hard for their families and all they really want is to know they are appreciated by their family. So the best way to show your thanks is by letting mum have the day off. The rest of the family can spoil her, by doing the cooking and tidying up the house. Give her a voucher to go and have a relaxing massage or beauty treatment. Dont forget the flowers are always nice as well.
I think anything hand made even if it's just a card, a cake or to say the words 'i love you', will definitely make a mother happy on mother's day.
by WSW
My mum loves flowers so I always get her fresh flowers and breakfast in bed for mother's day then probably buy her something small but she will find useful.
My daughter always gives me lovely things, not just on Mother's Day, but on that day she usually cooks me something special. No matter how old you are, giving your mother something that you have made yourself is always appreciated.
My daughter always gives me lovely things, not just on Mother's Day, but on that day she usually cooks me something special. No matter how old you are, giving your mother something that you have made yourself is always appreciated.
My son is 5 years old and he gifted me hand made greating card. That is tge best gift i have ever recieved on mothers day. I had gift titan watch and saree to my mom and she was very happy.

I've no idea what my favourite gift was that I had received over the years for Mother's Day, so just being with my daughters, until they both moved interstate, years ago, & then receiving a Mother's Day card from them, so just seeing my mother on Mother's Day, & not having to cook dinner for my husband & my self, e.g. buying takeaway!
by Miro
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