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Best housewarming present?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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Your friends have moved into their first house or apartment. What do you think is the best housewarming gift? How much would you spend on it?

Housewarming, gift, party, present, home, homewares

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Choosing a housewarming gift can be difficult, especially if you don't know the couple's taste. Nature's Cutting Boards manufacture great cheese platters, cutting boards, bbq servers and other practical items. Check out their lovely products at www.naturescuttingboards.com.au. You can even order them online.
A plant is always a really nice idea. Get one in a gorgeous pot. Even apartments can fit a small plant inside or on a balcony. It brightens up the new place instantly. Put a lovely bow around the pot, they will love it.
I like to buy beautiful locally-made pottery, such as mugs, jugs, casserole dishes or platters. As well as buying someone a unique, hand-made gift, you're also supporting local artists.
Wind Chimes :)
Something for the house would be good e.g. new cutlery set, set of cups and mugs, plants or anything they would need for a new house.
by WSW
A Herb Garden for the Kitchen.

You can get some for $15.00 to $ whatever!
Or make one yourself.Go to the local nursery and place 2-3-4 herbs in pots.

Make it look as fun as you can, while practical.

Everyone cooks, and you can never have enough Herbs.

Also: if they want....they can have a herb bath, most refreshing.
Wish someone would buy me a gift like that, I would Love it :)
I follow the Greek tradition and give pots of basil. Good luck and good cooking.
I'd like to buy someone a Glasshouse candle or diffuser (can be purchased from David Jones). These are luxurious and come in a variety of scents to cater to everyone. My fave is the "Tahaa" candle which is the caramel flavour that usually permeates Peter Alexander sleepwear shops.

Or I'd like to buy luxurious soaps/gels for their bathroom which they could put out on special occasions or use for their own enjoyment! MOR is a lovely brand, Melbourne based and also caters to everyone, with some really exotic scents like "Italian blood orange".
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