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Best hand cream?

by pinky (follow)
Beauty (7)      Handcream (1)     
We are always washing our hands -before meals, washing dishes, caring for the family pet, cleaning, gardening...our hands tend to get dry easily and require moisturising. What do you think is the best hand cream? Which brand do you use?

Image by marin via freedigitalphotos.net

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I like to use hand creams from The Body Shop because they are a cruelty free company. They are against animal testing, actively support community fair trade and protecting the planet through reducing waste, energy and recycling. I like to know that I'm spending my money on a company with commitments to sustainable causes and I still haven't mentioned anything about their hand creams yet. I usually keep a tube of their wild rose hand cream ready in my purse, the other scents are nice and natural too.
by WSW
I use the hand cream by Crabtree & Evelyn, they are very light but moisturising and comes in small tubes to put in your hand bag. Not too expensive either, around $10-$14AUD if you buy from the outlets. I also tend to avoid thick or oily hand creams because I've got very sensitive skin and it makes me feel uncomfortable
I tend to use whichever brand my mum buys, which is usually L'Occtane, which contains shea butter. I have, however, tried testers in store at The Body Shop, which has some beautifully moisturising and smelling hand creams, which I would like to use instead. They scents are all natural, and come from the use of real ingredients such as cocoa, coffee beans, strawberry, mango, coconut, etc.
I use Palmers olive butter formula. It's a concentrated cream in a tube that has extra virgin olive oil and vitamin E. I have been using this cream on my hands, knees and elbows for years.
Over the last year or so I've only be using handcream from the Aum range. Unlike many products on the market, it only contains pure organic ingredients, doesn't use animal products or petrochemicals, and isn't tested on animals. It's also amazingly cheap to buy, although more expensive than most supermarket brands. You can buy the Aum range of skin care products from Myers and David Jones. I usually get mine from Myers, and they almost always have some kind of special gift offer if you buy two of their products at one time.
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