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Best gift for teenage boys?

by You Lucky Dog (follow)
Pack leader to my tribe including dogs, cats, birds, fish and kids. Freelance writer and all around Lucky Dog
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teenage boy, gifts for teenage boys

It can be difficult to get more than a mumble or a grunt out of a teenage boy, so getting a meaningful answer to the "What do you want for your birthday/Christmas?" question is nearly impossible.

With several teenage boys in the extended family, do I just resort to the old standbys of cash or iTunes gift cards?

What is the best gift to get a teenage boy?

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Top Answers
I do a iTunes gift card of a lessor value then get a tshirt - I get cool tshirts online so they're of alternative pop culture...except sometimes sizing can be odd, I've yet to see one fail. I just hate the gift card/money thing (I know they love it but they'll grow up to think you just go - happy birthday honey, and had over cash out of their wallet....)
I think you can't go wrong with cash and itunes gift cards. It's so hard to know what they like, maybe gift cards for video games stores, electronic stores too? but then again...they're still gift cards.
by WSW
I agree - iTunes gift cards are probably on top of the list. Teenagers have their own taste and preferences and I think giving them cash is probably going to be their favourite gift.
It depends on the boy. If they really won't tell you what they want and you don't have a clue I would probably go with a gift card. Better that than something they really don't want or that is even a bit offensive. Don't give a teenage boy aftershave as a passive aggressive hint that they should shave and fellow adults of the world, please, please don't give teenagers pimple cream as a present!

Maybe an experience gift, like concert tickets would be good if you knew what sort of music they liked.
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