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Best flowers to send someone?

by Lydia C. Lee (follow)
Flowers (2)     
Do you have favourite flowers you like to send or receive? Do you have favourite flowers that you buy for yourself?

While roses are considered the ultimate in romance, there are many types to choose from.

I love the lilies pictured but while they smell divine and open slowly over time, extending the life of the gift, the pollen stains all that it falls on, and that can be a problem.

My favourite are also the cheapest in season, the simple jonquil. Smell beautiful and add a burst of colour to the room - with the added bonus of being under $5 a bunch.

What do you think are the best flowers to give?

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My favourite type of flowers are tulips, but to be honest, I'm not much of a flowery person, and I could thing of a million other things I would rather have as a present.

The only person I would ever buy flowers for his my mum. I've bought her flowers for Mother's Day and on her birthday. I usually get them from the supermarket; instead of going for a particular type of flower, I usually go for the ones that have not opened up yet, because they will probably last longer.
Depending on what the recipient likes, but I'm personally a big fan of gerberas - love the bright colours, they're so cheerful.
I think that home-grown flowers are gorgeous to give someone, even if just a few are added to a bought bouquet. In my opinion, roses and lavender are really lovely as they smell divine and are very pretty. Home-grown bouquets mightn't look as fancy as the shop-bought kind, but they have a sweet old-fashioned charm and it's fun sharing the things that we grow ourselves, whether they're flowers, fruit or vegies.
I like natives as they tend to last longer - you'll more get enjoyment from them.
I don't have a favourite.
To me all flowers can look great, the MOST important is to make sure they are VERY Fresh!

Nothing is worse than flowers that are sagging, or the edges are curling.

I think presentation is key, with any flowers.
Tulips. I just love them
by Gia
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