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Best flowers to grow in your garden?

by WSW (follow)
Flowers (2)      Gardening (2)      Home Improvement (1)     

How do you make the decision on what flowers to grow? Is it the colour, the flower species, annuals or perennials or are there other criteria you look for to choose the best flowers to grow in your garden?

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From an environmental point of view, you should pick wild flowers that butterflies and bees like to pollinate, such as lavender, heather, and flowers that produce berries, etc. From an aesthetic point of view, my favourites are tulips and orchids.
I completely agree with Bryony here, but I do love a yellow rose and tulip!
I think it's good to plant a variety, choosing something that's at it's best at different times of the year. That way, your garden will always look great rather than just for one month of the year.
I think roses are very nice but heard it's a lot of work pruning and taking care of them.
Tulips are beautiful but have a very short season.
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