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Best excercises for pregnancy?

by You Lucky Dog (follow)
Pack leader to my tribe including dogs, cats, birds, fish and kids. Freelance writer and all around Lucky Dog
Health (5)      Women (4)      Pregnancy (2)      Fitness (2)      Excercise (1)     

pregnant, pregnant woman, pregnant belly

It's important to keep fit and active while pregnant, but what are the best excercises?

I've seen yoga and pilates recommended but there was also recently a picture of a heavily pregnant lady lifting weights and doing crossfit excercises.

What are the best way to excercise when pregnant?

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Running and high energy exercises may be fine at the start but as the pregnancy progresses gentle exercise is best. The idea is to maintain fitness, strength your muscles and prepare your body for giving birth without putting yourself or the baby at risk (so exercises where you could have a fall, like rollerblading, may not be the safest).

A combination of weight-bearing and non weight-bearing is beneficial - perhaps walking or yoga, combined with swimming. Try and find some form of exercise that you actually enjoy, and that will be of greater benefit to both you and the baby.
I did pre natal aqua aerobics. It's great because the water supports you and it's lovely to float in the water too especially when you're heavily pregnant.
Walking, Yoga and stretching works best in pregnancy. First trimester is very crucial. Avoid too much activity, bending or lifting heavy objects. In addition don't forget meditation and breathing exercises.
I did aqua aerobics for a very little while while pregnant. Morning sickness kept me out of the pool.
by Vee
Walking and pelvic floor exercises . Most physios run classes for pregnant women. I'm not sure what the exercises are, but I always see them coming out of the classes covered in sweat, so there must be some cardio exercises involved. Most exercise regimes are okay, provided you have your doctors permission.
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