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Best dips and spreads flavour?

by WSW (follow)
Food (29)     

Dips and spreads are great for parties, simple lunch and can be a healthy snack too when eaten with crackers, celery or carrot sticks. Which dips and spreads flavour do you think is the best? Do you make your own?

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There are so many good choices but in my house jalapeno hummus tops all the competition. Some other great choices are chipotle aoli, red pepper hummus and the new Pure Kraft molasses ranch!
I have a number of favourites, best would be anyone with spring onions in it. Very fragrant, sweet and refreshing.
by WSW
by WSW
I love sweet chilli sauce the best. It makes a great dip for Asian snacks such as prawn crackers, spring rolls etc. My second choice would be hummus, which I would use for bread and vegetables.
Bryony, I used to make my own sweet chilli sauce 1. Sweet chilli sauce mixed with sour cream. Really lovely. Now I buy hummus, & 'Spicy Pumpkin Dip'. My husband can't eat cucumber now, so I don't buy any with cucumber in them. We haven't tried the 1 published with the above question, yet. I like trying the unusual ones. We eat them in the evenings with seaweed crackers sometimes, if I'm late starting the dinner!
by Miro
I've never heard of houmous made with cucumber before. I'm surprised to hear of a cucumber allergy since they are mostly water. I wonder what it is in them that causes the reaction.
My favourite for a while has been Chris' Olive Dip. It's very rich in flavour.
Baba Ganoush, Hummus and Tzatziki are my all time favourites, with freshly baked pita bread. Yummmmmm...
Spinach and feta is delicious.
I buy some and make some
Tzaitziki , I like the yoghurt flavour and goes well with crackers.
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