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Best coffee for home?

by Harry F (follow)
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With so many coffee choices on the supermarket shelf, which is the best brand to choose, to make your own cup of coffee at home?

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I can't go a day without coffee (not a good thing), Usually I buy the Moccona variety from the supermarket it's really fragrant and affordable.
by WSW
I love my caffeine. I have been a coffee snob most of my life. I tried many many store brands, but I was never able to get cafe quality beans. I finally started buying directly from local cafes and found out their big secret! The best cafes either roast their own beans or buy from nearby local roasters. I live in the middle of the Canadian Rockies; my coffee is roasted in Nelson BC by a company called Oso Negro ( osonegrocoffee.com ). They are only 6 hours away from my house. When I order coffee it is roasted and shipped the same day. It's less expensive than you think and there is no fresher, better way to get your coffee than through local roasters. It does take some trial and error to find your perfect cup, but once you find your roaster, it is all worth it.
Nestle Milicano is great if you want an instant coffee that tastes like filter coffee
Having your own espresso machine is the only option in my house - you can pick them up for under $100 these days. Then you just need to find the perfect grind - we usually go for the Fair Trade Organic Latin Americas grind. You get cafe quality coffee at home for a fraction of the price. And you can make it just the way you like it.
We get Nescafe Original as our standard. Instant coffee is so much less of a hassle.
My husband will not drink any other coffee at home except Moccona Dark
We usually get the Nescafe from the supermarket.
Use of Bodum=best 'grounds of the day' when purchasing!
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