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Best breakfast cereal for kids?

by WSW (follow)
Food (29)      Breakfast (1)     

There are many cereal brands and flavours on the supermarket shelves. While some are not as healthy as others, breakfast cereal makes a quick and easy breakfast before heading off to school. Which breakfast cereal do you think is the best for kids? Which ones do you or your kids like most?

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I think it is best to avoid brands like Kellogs because most of their cereals are packed with sugar. It is best to go for ones that aren't actually marketed at kids as they are generally going to be healthier. Porridge would be a good alternative. You could get a plain version, and then put in your own toppings like jam and fruit, that way you know what is going into it.
Weet-bix, but mine don't want to eat it
Put some honey on it and bung it in the microwave for 30 seconds. Great on cold winter mornings.
by Vee
Both my kids love porridge (and it was something I grew up with too). It's warm, filling and sets you up with slow release energy for the day.
Get kids onto healthier options like muesli and porridge as young as possible (supermarkets now have health sections with different options). They can't miss what they've never had i.e. sugar laden cereals.
I think Nature's Path Pumpkin Flax Plus is a great healthy choice for kids, just don't tell them it's healthy ;) Nature's Path Flax Plus tastes like a super sugared cereal.and there is some sugar in it but it's all organic sugar cane. It's also full of fiber, omega 3's and 6's and is a great source of protein. The best part about this cereal? It tastes great!
Weetbix is the best. Add a few nuts, maybe a banana, and enjoy it for a feeling of fullness for at least two - three hours.
One with the least sugar - or perhaps oats
by Finy
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