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Best brand of chocolate?

by WSW (follow)
Food (29)      Chocolate (2)     

Chocolate is a popular sweet whether you are young, old or somewhere in-between. It also makes a great gift but with so many brands and flavours on the supermarket shelfs which brand of chocolate do you think is the best? And Why?

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Lindt, without a doubt. In any shape or flavour - except for dark chocolate.
Ferrero Rocher. What beautiful and delightful treats. They are so divinely delicious, but also make an excellent and presentable gift. The gold-leaf wrapped balls can also be creatively used for decorative purposed. How can anyone go wrong with the eternally blissful combo of hazelnut and chocolate.
I wish they made Rocher with dark chocolate as well.
I love Bacchi chocolates, the expensive Italian brand. But because they cost so much, I can't eat too many. The taste is so superior to other brands.
As a confectionary brand I like Cadbury's best, but for 'proper' chocolate, Hotel Chocolat make exquisite high quality products. They are the best not only in taste, but also in ethics. They are a bean to bar company, and work with their cocoa farmers in Ghana. They also help provide medical care to the people in Ghana. Their ethos is 'more cocoa, less sugar'.
I'm a Lindt girl all the way, it's silky smooth and works beautifully in cooking. I'm also quite partial to Green & Black's organic range.
I've always thought it was a pretty special day if I got to have some Lindt. Before the stores closed down I used to get the chocolate bilbies from Darrell Lea too, because a portion of the money went to the Save the Bilby Fund (the chocolate was pretty good too, though I've always been happy with any kind).
I guess Darrell Lea wins because it's tasty and you can feel good eating it.
I would say Lindt and Ferrero Rocher is the best.
by Finy
Lindt all the way for me! As long as it's only DARK Lindt! I used to be a fan of Darrel Lea also, & thought it such a shame when they closed down, esp' their lovely old shop on the corner of King & Market Sts, in Sydney's CBD! I still see it sold in chemists & a bit in Aldi also. The last 1 I bought from Aldi, was, 'Dark Chocolate Ginger Fudge' & it's really yummy. I cut each oblong piece into 4 pieces, & just eat 1 tiny piece a day, so it will last longer!
by Miro
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