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Best books for pregnancy?

by You Lucky Dog (follow)
Pack leader to my tribe including dogs, cats, birds, fish and kids. Freelance writer and all around Lucky Dog
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Pregnancy Books, What to expect when you are expecting
Image: wikipedia

With so many books available on pregnancy, there is no way you could read them all in nine months! So where do you focus your time?

What are the best books for pregnancy? What makes your recommendation the best- is it facts, humour, variety of information? Are there different recommendations for men and women?

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Top Answers
"What to Expect When You're Expecting" is probably one of the best ones. It was a life saver when I was pregnant. There are so many things one is unaware of and the book was definitely a great help.
I liked the Kaz Cooke one. Or the Best Friend's Guide....Humour worked better for me, and also you just have to read it as you go along (both are formatted in the time sequence of how many weeks you're at)
"Baby Love" by Robin Barker provides practical, helpful advice. My husband enjoyed reading this one as well.
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