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Best baby shower gifts?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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What are some ideas for great baby shower gifts? How much should you spend? Where do you usually shop for gifts?

baby shower gift, baby gift, gifts, presents

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I like to buy some onesies, singlets and pj's for the Bub cos they will always need plenty of these! I always like to add one pampering thing for the Mum to be like some really nice cream, a face mask, scented bath oils or a foot spa. The Mum will love these to use when to baby comes. Buy a cute basket to put the pressies in, cover it and tie with a bow, they will love it and can use the basket to store things in afterwards.
Bubs and Giggles is a great spot to buy special outfits for new babies. They sell top quality outfits made out of soft pima cotton from Peru. You can even order online and have them shipped to the new mum at www.bubsandgiggles.com.au
Baby shower registries make life so much easier, but if there is no registry, then giving a gift card or cash (anywhere between $30 - $100) should be a welcome gift by the parents.
Usually clothes or toys for the baby, something useful for the parents and the child.
by WSW
I received a port-a-cot, which we didn't need immediately but was a life-saver in the long-term. Also received a vaporiser and thermometer, which I wouldn't have thought of but also came in handy.
by Vee
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