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Best Australian Reality Television Series?

by Pauline (follow)
Entertainment (11)      TV (6)     

Reality Television series, Reality show, Australia's got talent,
Source: Wikipedia

There are so many reality shows on TV these days such as The X-Factor, Australia's Got Talent, Dancing with the stars, My Kitchen Rules, The Great Australian Bake Off and much more....which do you think is the best?

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I loved Australia's Next Top Model. My wife and I run a photography company, so we have always taken an interest in shows that showcase the discipline. The thing we always liked about the Aussie version of Top Model was that the girls were way more down to earth. The show concentrated much more on the talent, and although there were some exceptions, for the most part there was less focus on the drama between the participants. More time wsa spend showcasing the photo shoots.
I saw the taping of the XFactor audition live, so have been following that closely. We have so many talented people in Australia, it's great to see them get an opportunity to shine.
I like Bondi Rescue. It's not a competition, but it's still a reality show.
I love My Kitchen Rules.

It is full of colourful people.Some are very nice, some you would not want at your dinner table seriously.

Some people deliberately want to make a fuss while on the show, maybe to get the t.v. audience hooked.

It has that ''I have to watch it'' factor for sure.Real people, real cooking real backstabbing...and at the end of all that we get to see some very good cooking.

It all adds to it's popularity, and it has no disappointments in giving good entertainment, I can see.
Plus there is no swearing, and that has to be a plus for any family watching.

To me, it would seem the nice people in the world seem to nearly always come first or second, and the ones who ridicule....are soon out the door.

Their lack of talent to cook well, and their own delusions seem to rise to the top of the pan.

The judges are very kind in my opinion..very fair, and only want the best of cooks to excel.
It has many 'messages' people can learn from, playing nice with others is top of the list.

There are always people who you just love in the show, and 'if' they end up leaving because their food is not up to the level it should be, I must admit I feel sad to see them go.

You do get use to them, and their funny little ways.Some are just very sweet, I have to admit I have felt the odd tear..Only because they had high hopes, and they lost out.
Very interesting also is some of the food they make, not sure if I could eat a few of those outrageous dishes.

Really keen to see 2014 new episode big time...yaaaaaa!!

Very Sorry I POSTED TWICE, my computer had a 'oops' moment!
by jonaja
I love My Kitchen Rules.

It is full of colourful people.Some are very nice, some you would not want at your dinner table seriously.

Some people deliberately want to make a fuss while on the show, maybe to get the t.v. audience hooked.

It has that ''I have to watch it'' factor for sure.Real people, real cooking real backstabbing...and at the end of all that we get to see some very good cooking.

It all adds to it's popularity, and it has no disappointments in giving good entertainment, I can see.
Plus there is no swearing, and that has to be a plus for any family watching.

To me, it would seem the nice people in the world seem to nearly always come first or second, and the ones who ridicule....are soon out the door.

Their lack of talent to cook well, and their own delusions seem to rise to the top of the pan.

The judges are very kind in my opinion..very fair, and only want the best of cooks to excel.
It has many 'messages' people can learn from, playing nice with others is top of the list.

There are always people who you just love in the show, and 'if' they end up leaving because their food is not up to the level it should be, I must admit I feel sad to see them go.

You do get use to them, and their funny little ways.Some are just very sweet, I have to admit I have felt the odd tear..Only because they had high hopes, and they lost out.
Very interesting also is some of the food they make, not sure if I could eat a few of those outrageous dishes.

Really keen to see 2014 new episode big time...yaaaaaa!!

Very Sorry, I POSTED TWICE..my computer had a 'oops' moment.
by jonaja
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