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At what age would you let your kids cook on the stove?

by Ivana Katz (follow)
Ivana is passionate about travel, writing, photography and website design. Visit her at: www.adventurehq.com.au
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cooking, cooking for kids

At what age do you think children are responsible enough to cook on the stove?

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Since my son showed an interest in cooking, he has always helped me out. He has his own apron and whilst he particularly loves making cakes, he also likes helping out with making dinners. I wouldn't be pushing it on a kid that wasn't overly interested, but I would say that under parental supervision kids from the age of 2 or so should be able to help out in the kitchen. In terms of cooking on the stove on their own (with a watchful eye from the parent), I would say that it comes down the skill and confidence of the child as this can vary considerably irrespective of the actual age. I think it is a good life skill that all kids should learn at some stage for when they leave home and need to cook on their own, but also so that they can learn about nutrition and health from a young age.
About 11 or 12 is a good age.

An adult should always be looking just to make sure.
With the use of any oil....that's is a different area, and should not be given to a child under 16, I think....Just to be safe.

. . or after they've left home. Heehee.
by Rice
right on! lol :)
by jonaja
My son has been helping me out in the kitchen since he was 2 years old. Under supervision, they can start young. Depends on their interest though.
Depends on if your stove has an open flame or not. If it doesn't, then as long as you are with them supervising, then I think 8 is okay. If it is an open flame, then I would say 11 with supervision. Without supervision I would say 14.
I agree that it's best to start cooking on the stove (supervised) when they're young. It is so important to teach kids to cook for themselves to encourage healthy eating habits rather than relying on junk food. Even small children can help flip a pancake or stir the spaghetti - just get them involved and it will be easier later on.
by Lucy
They'll need to be supervised. Even from the age of 5 is fine, depending on how keen they are in learning to cook. Do you have a junior MasterChef in the family?
I didn't allow it (yes, I'm no fun) but we had a great aunt that did so my daughter is a great cook.
by Rice
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